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Chapter 32 Tyler’s POV

Haley has been ignoring me.  Mikey is now dating Sierra’s friend Sam.  Autumn likes to gloat.  Sierra joined us.  Danny and Sarah like to walk Zazzles, don’t ask why.  I am pretty sure Zach is hiding something from all of us.  Cam and Kellie like to disappear randomly.  Mike and Megann are planning something but whenever we ask they always hide it.  Dillon keeps saying no one loves him.  Brent and Daisy are always fighting.  Chris likes to walk around in no shirt to mess with Autumn.  Did I miss anyone? Tori, she is the most normal out of all of us, there is nothing much to say about her.

We were heading to Maine. 


She kept complaining.  

“Are you okay?” Brent asked.

“SHUT UP DUMBASS!  If it wasn’t for you I would be home in my bed sleeping.”

I looked at the clock.  It was only 3 in the afternoon.

“It’s not my fault!”

That’s it.  Next stop I’m going back in the van.

“WHO THE HELL PLANED THIS TOUR?!” Daisy yelled. “They are stupid!”

“I helped plan it.” Brent said.

“Oh well that’s why Dumbass.”

“Stop calling me a Dumbass.”

“But you are one Fatass.”

“When is the next stop?” I asked.

“Another hour or so.” Zach said.

“That’s an hour to long.” I replied.

“With them here it is.  I’m trying to figure out how to get them in the van.”

And there go my plans.

“Well I guess I’ll be staying here then.”

I sat back and relaxed. 

“You are going to have to talk to him.”

“But he didn’t tell me that she texted me.”

“Maybe he didn’t know.”

“I don’t think that is possible.  She texted me four times.”

“Be easy on the kid.  Please.”

I opened my eyes a little to see Haley and Sarah standing there talking.

Did Sarah just call me a kid?  I’m older than her.


“I think we should get back to everyone else.”

“But what about Ty?  Should we just leave him?”

“If you want you can stay.  I’ll bring you back something.”

“Thanks SarBear.”

Sarah left.

“I’m going to go insane!”

I opened my eyes all the way and looked at her.

“Are you okay Hal?”

“Oh My God!”

I looked at her.  Maybe she wasn’t okay.

“Don’t do that!  You scared the shit out of me!”

“Sorry” I said hesitantly.

“It’s okay.”

She sat down next to me.

“Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

“Not really.” 

She looked hurt.

“Hal, whatever I did-“

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I just-“

“We’re back!  With food!” Zach came running in the van.

“Why are you all wet?” Haley asked.

“It’s raining.  I guess you couldn’t tell.”

Haley went back with the others. 

There goes my talking to her.  She will find any excuse not to be near me.  And it should be easier now that everyone is back.  Well Daisy and Brent weren’t here.

I waited in till everyone was done to go back and eat. 

There were not enough bunks for everyone so we would up sleeping on the couches, chair, and floor.

Everyone was asleep except me.

I kept thinking about what I did to Haley.  I couldn’t think of anything.  She had mentioned four missed texts though.

I walked over to where she kept her phone and looked threw it.

There were messages there that said the date I had her phone but I had never seen them.  The only person that I knew that texted Haley was Sarah and that was before Sarah came with us.

I heard someone walking. 

I quickly threw the phone back where it was and sat down in one of the chairs.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Haley asked.

“No.  You?”

“Nope.  I have insomnia.  I have a hard time sleeping.”

I never knew that.  She had always looked so peaceful when sleeping that I never would have guessed.

“It’s not really comfy on the floor is it?”

“Not at all.”  I said.

“Want to play something till we fall asleep?”

“Sure what?”

She smiled.  “Oh you’ll see.”

I was kind of scared.

She pulled out a deck of cards from the drawer.


“Isn’t that game a little loud?” I asked.

“Oh yeah.  And dangerous too.”

Now I really didn’t want to play.

“Are you sure we should be playing this?”


“On that note let’s play.”

Haley started the game.

“Time to lose Wilson.”

“Don’t speak to soon Porter.”

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