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Chapter 36 Tyler’s POV

“Hal!” I keep calling her name hoping she would wake up.

I laid her down on the bed and called Zach.

“Hey.  You called at a bad time.” Zach said.

“Zach, its Haley.”

“What about her?” I guess he could tell I was worried because he had panic in his voice.

“She passed out. I don’t know why.  I left her for a few minutes and I came back and she was pale and fell.” I wasn’t sure if he had heard me because I had said t all so fast.

“Who is home?”

“It’s just us.”  I said.

“What happened to everyone else?” Zach asked.

“She sent them away and her mom left.”

“Okay no one can help there.  What is she wearing?” he asked.

“A sweatshirt and sweatpants.”

“NO!  She needs to wear something else.  Find a tank top and shorts.  Turn on the fan.”

There was a strange noise and then Zach started cursing.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine. Make sure Hal is okay.”

I didn’t know what to do.  She couldn’t do anything.  I found a top and shorts on her bed. 

I have to change her.  Oh no.  Sorry not my job.

“Tyler is she okay?  Is she breathing?”

I held my hand over her mouth and felt little air.


“Did you take off her sweats yet?”


“Tyler, I know this is uncomfortable for you but you have to.  It’s the only way to make sure she is safe.”

I know Zach!  But I can’t!

SUCK IT UP TYLER!  SHE IS JUST A GIRL!  Yeah a girl you like but if you don’t help her she could die.

I changed her cloths. 

“Now what?”

“Are you still alone?” Zach asked.


“Call the hospital or something.  The address is 249 South Pine Street.  After you are done get some ice for her.  Then wait.”

“Call me after you call the hospital.”

With that he hung up.

I called the hospital and told them everything.  They said they were sending an ambulance.

I heard the door open.

“We are back!”  Sarah yelled.

Thank god.

I walked out of Haley’s room and down the hall.  “Can you get some ice please and quick.”

“Oh okay.”

I walked back to Haley’s room.  I called Zach again.



“It’s Tori.  Our rental car broke down.  We are stuck in the middle of nowhere with no help.”

And now I know why Zach was cursing.

“Did you call a two?” I asked.

“No.  We just figured we’d call Cam and have him do his weird wizard stuff.”

“No need for the attitude.”

Sarah came up. “OH MY GOD!”

Sarah ran over to Haley.

“My best friend is dead!”

I ran over next to her.  I checked her breathing again.  “She is not dead.”

“She is close to it.”

“You are not helping.”

There was a bang.

“Some people are here!  They have a truck!”  Danny yelled up the stairs.

“Go hang up and call us when you get to the hospital.”  Tori said.

I hung up and remembered I only had swim trunks on.

I ran and threw on a shirt and jeans.

The doctor people were taking Haley down stairs.

“It’s going to be okay Tyler.  Haley is strong.  She is a fighter.”

“I know.” 

“Who will be going to the hospital in the ambulance?” one of the doctors asked.

I looked at Sarah.

“You should go.  She may be my best friend but she needs you.”

I hugged her. “Thank you.”

I got in the ambulance and held Haley’s hand.

I wasn’t going to let go.  Never.

“Hal please be okay.”  I whispered over and over again.

“Son, you need to stay here.  We will call you when Miss Aris can have visitors.”

I saw Chris.

“Guess news travels fast.”  We both said.

“What?” we said.

“What are you talking about?”

“This is getting weird.  Stop talking at the same time as me.”

“She is in back there.” Again it was at the same time.

“Is she okay?”

Great We are doing that weird twin thing.

“I don’t know.  They won’t tell me how she is.”

“Hal please be okay.”  I said at the same time he said, “Autumn please.”


“She passed out.”

Great now not only are Chris and I acting like twins nit now Haley and Autumn.

Danny and Sarah came thru the doors. Sierra and Cameron were behind them.   They ran over. 

“Are they okay?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know.  They haven’t told me anything on them yet.  I don’t even know if they is in a room.”

“It’s going to be okay.”  Sarah said.

We sat down in the uncomfortable seats.

“I-I have to call Zach.” I said.

“I have it.”  Danny took out his phone and walked away.

“She will be okay.” I said.

“Yes she will.”  Sarah said.

“I can’t take not knowing how she is.”  It was driving me insane.

“We will find out soon enough.”

“Where is Chris?” Sierra asked.

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