Baby Baby Baby

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I got up from the couch and I accidentally stepped in something.

"Camerin! What did I tell you about spilling stuff!" I yelled.

"Girl that ain't me! You done peed on yourself." he laughed.

"Cam that's not pee.. It's time for the baby. Go get the bag." I said and he sprinted up the stairs.

I took his keys and unlocked the car door to get in. He came out seconds later and got in the drivers seat. He placed the bag between us and sped to the hospital.

****12 hours of labor later

"You're doing good baby." Cam said holding my hand.

"One more big push!" Dr. Ingram said.

I pushed with all my might and a smile spread on my face once I heard my baby's cries.

"February 5, 3:22 AM" the doctor told a nurse who was holding a clipboard.

One of the nurses wiped the blood off of him and wrapped him in a blanket. She smiled as she handed him to me.

"And what's the baby's name?" she asked.

"Christopher Maurice Brown Jr." I said as I kissed his forehead.

"Okay, and who will you list as the father." she asked.

I hesitated. I couldn't really say Chris cause then that would mean telling him so he could sign.

"Camerin Sanchez." I said looking over at Cam for approval and a huge smile spread across his face.

"Alright." she said walking away.

"I promise I'll treat him as my very own." Cam said referring to Jr.

"Thank you." I said as he kissed my forehead.

**** almost 3 months later.

"Heyy." Rihanna said as I let her in. "Where's my baby boy?" she asked.

"He's in his play pin." I said sitting on the couch as she picked him up and sat next to me.

"So have you told Chris?" she asked. I shook my head no.

"What?! Girl you need to tell him. This ain't right. You hiding Chris from his own blood."

"I know and I don't care. Cause if I told him I was pregnant when I was seventeen, he would of wanted me to get an abortion, and I was not gonna do that."

"Well you're eighteen now.. what's your excuse?" she asked as Jr. played with her hair.

"I don't know.. he's probably gonna be mad I didn't tell him after all this time. But Im tired of talking about this." I said changing the subject.

"That's okay." she said running her hands through her hair, revealing a diamond ring. Everyone's getting married but me.

"Usher?" I asked pointing to her hand. She nodded and we both squealed loudly, freaking out Jr.

"I'm sorry baby." I said picking him up and kissing his cheek.

"Well I gotta get home to my baby, I just wanted to say hey." Rih said getting up.

"Bye." I said as she left.

"Well hello." a different female voice then Rih's said behind me. I put Jr in his crib and turned around to see Nicki.

"Where the hell you been?!" I yelled hugging her. I was one of her back up dancers in a few of her concerts, is how I know her.

"I been in New York, these past couple months."

"Is this your seed?" she asked picking him up.

"Sure is." I said as Christo laughed at Nicki making faces at him.

"Looking just like his daddy." she smiled. I kinda got bummed out, and thought of what Rih said.

"You tell him?" Nicki asked. I slapped my hands against my face and heard Christo laugh.

"No Onika." I sighed.

"Whoa whoa, you ain't have to pull out the government Caressa." she said making me laugh.

"I will okay."

"You better tell him now because his birthday party is in three days and if you don't tell him, I will." she shrugged.

"You wouldn't."

"Girl you know I will. Hiding this big ass secret ain't right." she said handing me Jr and getting ready to leave.

I picked up his baby bag, because I was about to drive him to my mothers. For whatever reason she likes me and Camerin together, and learned to love Jr like I do.

"Where you going?" Cam asked as he walked in. I really need to lock that door.

"To my mothers."

"Aight bye babe. Bye Christo." he said picking up Jr and kissing his head. Christo was Camerin's nickname for him.

I buckled him up in the backseat and started driving him to my Mom's. I looked back and he was turning purple.

"Christo?" I said touching him. He just sat there not moving. I sped to the hospital doing about 90.


"Chrissss!" I heard Ashley yell from the kitchen.

"What?" I asked as I walked downstairs.

"I think I broke my toe."

"Walk it off, you'll be fine." I told her.

"No, it really hurts. Please can you take me to the hospital?" she begged.

"Fine. Get up." I said helping her off the floor. When she tried to walk on it she started crying.

"Wait here." I said as I went to get some crutches from the closet.

"Here." I said giving her the crutches, walking out and getting into my car. It took her a whole to do the same and when she did I drove off.

When we got to the emergency room, the nurses immediately took her because it was just about empty.


I walked out the emergency room room holding Christo in his carrier. He's fine, he was just holding his breath. When I walked out I saw Chris and I immediately started panicking.

I tried to walk out quickly before he could see me but I heard him say something.

"Babysitting?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." I said and dashed out the building to my car. That was close as hell.

He clearly didn't see Christo because Christo is his spitting image. You can tell that's Chris's son from yards away.

Christo in the mm

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