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Ever since a couple of weeks ago, Chris and I go on a date every couple of days.

I was feeding Christo and felt my phone send multiple vibrations, indicating I was getting a call.

"Hello?" I said and Christo stopped eating and started trying to talk.

He thinks every phone call I get is for him. So I put it on speaker.

"Hey baby, hey Christo!" Chris said.

"Hi Christopher," I said as Christo tried to talk again.

"How about we go to that Italian restaurant tonight?" Chris suggested.

"I'm sorry, I can't. Today's Camerin's birthday."

"That's fine. You need someone to babysit Christo?" he asked.

"Uhh.. that'd be great. Thank you."

"Alright be there in a hour." he said and I hung up as Camerin walked into the room.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Camerin as he took Christo from me.

Today was his twenty fourth birthday, so it was all about him.

"I actually wanted tattoos.. like for both of us." he said.

"Uhh.. I don't know. I guess. Chris said he'd watch Christo for us." I said and Cam's nostrils flared at the sound of his name.

"Okay." Cam said shrugging.

I heard the doorbell ring and got Christo's baby bag. I took Christo and opened the door to see Chris.

Christo smiled and reached his hands towards Chris. Chris smiled and took him from me.

"I'll pick him up at 8:00" I told Chris, handing him the bag.

Chris looked in it and made a face.

"Cree... wrong bag." Chris said.

I looked in it and there was a bunch of stacks of money in it. Cam put money in baby bags cause no one would suspect.

I went upstairs and grabbed the right bag and me and Chris switched.

"Bye baby." I said to Christo and Chris smiled.

"Bye to you too." Chris said and left.

Camerin came down stairs dressed in a basic nigga outfit. White shirt, gold chain, trues, and some Jordan 3s.

"You wearing that?" he asked.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked looking down at my odd future shirt and jeans.

"You looking like a hipster and shit."

"I am not!" I said going upstairs and changing.

"Better." he said as I came down the stairs.

I just switched my shirt to a ninjas jersey and my vans to heels.

Cam drove us to a tattoo parlor and told him we were getting matching hand tattoos.

"Mine will say King with a crown hanging off the K, and hers will say Queen with the crown tilted on the Q." Cam told him.

"Alright. Just have a seat and we'll get it drawn up for you." he said.

"Like this?" he asked showing us the finished drawing.

"Perfect!" Cam said with a smile.

"I can't do this! I'm too big of a baby." I told Camerin as I heard the needle start up.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now