Chris and Christo

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I woke up and looked to my left to see Christo sleeping on Chris's bare chest. I smiled and took a picture. But of course my ass was still tired so I fell back asleep.

When I woke up neither Chris or my son was next to me. I didn't hear any noise at all really.

I ran downstairs and saw Chris making pancakes while holding Christo on his hip.

"Look who's finally up!" Chris said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah." I said taking Christo upstairs so I could change his diaper. I brought his baby bag with us yesterday.

I bathed him in the bathtub and put a fresh diaper on him. After I was done, I washed my hands and went to the kitchen with Christo.

"So what are we doing today?" Chris said taking a bite of his food.

"Nothing. It's Monday." I said feeding Christo some baby food we got him last night.

"C'mon, we gotta do something." Chris said as I gave him Christo.

"Alright, well I have to go home anyway, so you can watch Christo while I'm gone."

"Cool cool." Chris said.

"I'll be back. Bye baby." I said puckering my lips and kissing Christo's cheek.

As I rose up I saw Chris poking his lips out. I kissed my fingers and put them to his lips. Chris kissed his teeth and I laughed.

"Man just go." Chris huffed.

I went upstairs put on the clothes I had from yesterday and drove to Camerin's house.

"Where the hell you been? And where the fuck is my son?" Cam asked when I walked in.

"With Chris." I said walking up the stairs to take a shower but of course Cam followed.

"I told you I ain't want that nigga around him." he said as I stripped out of my clothes.

I shrugged and walked into the shower and bathed.

"Did you fuck him?" Cam asked as soon as I stepped out of the shower.

"What? No. Why would you think that?" I asked as I wrapped a towel around me and went to put on clothes.

"Well you come home smelling like him, and your hair a mess. Why would I not think that?"

"You're being really insecure right now and I'm not liking it." I said as I put on underwear, a tank top, jeans and heels.

"And you acting like a hoe and I'm not liking it."

I paused my movement and turned to him. I can't believe he just said that. He's never so much as yelled at me and now he's all of a sudden calling me a hoe.

"If that's what you think then maybe we shouldn't be together King."

He looked shocked that I just called him that cause that was his name to everyone else. Only me and his mom was allowed to call him Camerin.

"You serious?" he asked with hurt in his voice.

I wiped a tear that had fallen and nodded.

"You always do this.. always! All that nigga has to do is say he loves you and you leave me in a heartbeat!" Camerin yelled.

"It's not like that this time. C'mon, you're never home. When you are you just want sex. We're both in this relationship for the wrong reasons."

"Why are you in it and why do you think I'm in it?" Cam asked.

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