Chapter 3

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I ain't have shit to do today. I stopped selling about a week ago cause Ice got locked up. He had too many charges and no bail, so I was pretty sure I'm out of this business.

I looked around sitting on the basketball court benches with Mijo and Trell.

"Aye, ain't that Cree right there?" Trell said.

I snapped my head to where he was looking and it sure was. I just barely saw her yesterday cause she was in a rush babysitting some kid. I didn't get a good look at the kid but he seemed cute.

I watched as King pulled her into his lap and she just sat there. She hated when I did that. My jaw clenched and I gritted my teeth.

She got up and King went somewhere with his niggas. While Cree's friends went over to talk to her.

"Damn when she get like that?" Mijo said staring Cree down.

Her butt was three times bigger than what I remember. Well I'm probably exaggerating, but that shit look as big as Nicki's.

"Aye Cree!" I yelled waving her over as I stood up. She began walking towards us and I met her half way.

"What?" she asked with a hint of attitude.

"I just wanted to say hi." I said looking at her toned legs, up to her big thighs and slightly large breast. Coke bottle was an understatement.

"That's all you wanted?" She asked combing her hair out her face with her fingers.

"No. I- I just. Y-you" I stuttered. "Did you get ass shots?" I blurted and she laughed. First time I seen her smile all day and I smiled back.

"No. Lets just say I filled out." she said as I nodded and admired her body again.


"You really need to fix your eyes Christopher. I know mama taught you better than that." I said and he laughed.

"Well excuse me. That nigga get to see you everyday, I don't." he said. "How you been?" he asked after the silence.

"Good, you?" I asked as I admired his body for a change. He looked the same, just more buff. I smiled at the little freckles I spotted on his face.

"See you doin the same thing." he said snapping me out of my trance.

"Well excuse the fuck outta me." I laughed and so did he.

"I'm having a party.. my birthday party to be exact, in two days. Come through."

"First.. I know when your birthday is. And are you asking me or telling me?" I said.

"You and this new attitude.. I am not liking it. Where the old Cree at? What happen to my little sweetheart?" he asked.

It really made me think. Since I've been with Camerin he's just taught me to be mean to everyone. Because a lot of people would try to hurt me, since I'm with him.

"Cam happened." I mumbled looking down.

"Are you happy with him?" Chris asked after a couple of minutes.

I wasn't sure honestly. He makes me happy but I hate living in constant fear of me and my son's lives.

I shrugged and Chris just shook his head.

"Queen lets go!" I heard Camerin yell at me from inside his car. That was our 'names' to these people. King and Queen.

"You coming?" Chris asked referring to his party.

"Promise." I said winking at him and waving as I got in Cam's Lotus Evora.

**** next day


I was sitting on the couch watching tv with Cairo and Chyna came downstairs.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Bout to go see Cree and Chr-" she stopped herself from talking.

"Word? They back together?" I asked. She shook her head no. She looked like a deer in headlights.

"Then why'd you say Chris? What you going to see him for?" I asked.

"I'm not, I'm just going to see Cree."

"Chy, I know when you lying. You better fess up real quick." I said getting pissed that she's hiding shit.

She told me how Cree was pregnant when she left Chris and how only very few people know.

"Oh hell no! Chris know?" I shouted and Cairo covered his ears with his hands.

"No.." Chyna said looking down at her hands.

"Fuck that. He finna know. You better tell me right now if you lying to me Chyna." I said putting on my shoes.

"Please please don't tell Chris. It's a reason he doesn't know." Chyna begged.

Part of me doesn't wanna believe Cree would keep this big ass secret. So I'm about to go to Cree's house to find out, and if its true I'm telling Chris.

I drove to Cree's house and Chyna told me the directions while sitting in the passenger seat.

I banged on the door and when Cree opened I walked right in. I walked through her living room and spotted a playpen.

"Michael who the hell do you think you are busting in my house like that?!" Cree yelled.

I didn't respond, I just walked over to the pen and saw a baby that looked exactly like Chris. So many emotions went through me but I was mostly happy and mad.

"Happy and mad?" Cree said reading my mind. That's exactly why I call her little sis, she always know what I'm thinking.

"Cree this ain't right." I said picking him up and getting a better look at him.

"Michael I'm doing what's best for-

"What's best for you." I said cutting her off. She ran her hands through that big ass curly fro of hers.

"What's his name?" I asked changing the subject.

"It's Jr. but we call him-"

"Christo." Chyna said cutting her off. She been so quiet I forgot she was here.

"He'll be three months on Chris's birthday." Cree said before I could ask how old he was.

"So you was pregnant at yo party?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said staring at Christo who was playing with my chain.

"You coming to Chris party tomorrow?" I asked out of the blue.

"Yeah." she said lowly.

"Bring Christo."

"What?" she said raising her voice.

"Bring Christo, or I'm telling him tomorrow." I said in all seriousness.

"Fine." she sighed.

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