Happy Birthday

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**** 2 weeks later


Today is Cree's big day and I got everything set up for her birthday. Damn my heart is racing. I keep thinking, what if she say no?

I shook that thought from my mind, did my hygiene and got dressed and went to make sleeping beauty's breakfast.

After I was done I made her plate, put it on a tray, and carried it to our room.

"Cree wake up." I said setting the tray on her bedside table.

"Nooo," she groaned shoving her face into the pillow.

I can't picture her pregnant cause she always sleep on her stomach... I know how to wake her up.

"Wake up!" I yelled as I slapped her ass hard as I could.

"Ouch nigga!" she hollered and jumped up.

"Eat while I go get Christo ready." I told her and went to Christo's room.

I bathed, dressed him, fed him, all that so Cree don't have to worry about it. And I drove him to my Mom's house.

"Okay your flight leaves at 4:00" I told my mama as I gave her Christo.

"Boy I know." she said and kissed Christo's cheek and closed the door in my face.

"Love you too!" I yelled at the door and went back home.

"Get ready." I told Cree who had eaten her food but went back to sleep.

She groaned, got up, and did her hygiene. When she got out she got dressed in one of MY black pyramid jerseys, knowing damn well she got her own, and some shorts, and air forces.

"So what's the plan for today Breezy?" she asked and I laughed.

"Nothing Angel." I said and she laughed too.

"Nah, but I was gonna take you to your favorite place." I said referring to six flags.

She squealed and ran to the front door.

"You coming? Cause if not I will leave ya ass here." Cree yelled to me and I walked out of the kitchen to her.

"So small and mean." I mumbled and she smacked my butt.

"Let's go Cakestopher." she said and I stale faced her. She lucky it's her birthday.

"Pleaseee!" she begged to drive my blue aventador.

I hesitated but tossed her the keys after a minute. She drove us to six flags and we waited in line.

After we went through the long ass process and finally got into the park. She took my hand and dragged my ass to Goliath.

For her to be so small she got a lot of strength. Wonder if she can fight... I ain't gone try it and see though.

We waited a hour in just that line alone bruh. Nothing should take this long. I'm just tryna stall until later though.

"I'm soo hungryyy." Cree groaned after four more rides.

I got her a funnel cake, nachos, a soda, and a pepperoni pizza slice. When I tried to get a nacho she looked at me like 'the fuck?'.

"You didn't get your own?" she asked.

"Hell naw. Yeen finna eat all that." I said and she told me 'watch'.

After about twenty minutes she ate all of that but I managed to sneak a few nachos.

"You need to check that out. You got a tapeworm or somethin." I said as we left.

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