Well Well Well

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It's been a couple months since the whole situation and I'm about to go visit Camerin in jail, like I do every Friday.

I got ready and put on a jean crop top, cream shorts, and nude heeled sandals.

"Where you going?" Chris asked as I got Christo dressed.

"To visit Camerin."

"Why Christo gotta go?" he asked.

"He's Christo's father too," I said picking him up and leaving.


I sat Christo in my lap as I waited for them to release Camerin.

I watched as a police guard took the handcuffs off of him and let him walk into the room. Cam's mean expression changed when he saw Christo and I.

"Wassup little man!" Cam said kissing Christo's forehead, then mine and sitting down on the opposite side of the table.

"Hi baby," he greeted me and I gave him a smile.

"Ddddd," Christo sounded out.

He's been on the brink of saying word for a couple of weeks now.

"Dada," he said finally and Camerin and I smiled.

"That's right little man." Cam said coming around the table and picking Christo up.

"So how've you been?" Cam asked me.

"Fine. Just fine." I sighed.

"Liar. What's wrong?" he said making faces at Christo, causing him to laugh.

"I'm just bored. I mean I love being a mother and all but it's boring being just a mother. I need a job."

"Get one." Cam shrugged.

"We'll see." I told him.


"Okay so I'm thinking of doing it at the football stadium because I know she loves the New Orleans Saints."

"Man her birthday is a month away. Iono why you worried." Michael said.

"That's why I ain't get you shit for your birthday." I laughed and he sucked his teeth.

"Chris I'm home!" Cree shouted walking in.

"And I'm out." Mike said getting up and reaching for Cree's hair.

"Michael Stevenson stop!" she yelled mushing his head.

"Ouch girl! You know you heavy handed." he said and left.

"Guess what Christo did today." Cree said excitedly.

"What?" I asked as she sat on the chair far from me.

"He said his first word!" she said putting Christo on his feet and holding him up by his arms.

"That's great. What was it?"

"Dada of course." Cree said in a duh tone.

"Who did he call that?"

"Uhh... Camerin."

"I knew you shouldn't have brung him there. Why w-"

"What happened to you two settling?" Cree cut me off.

I sighed cause I forgot I even lied about that shit.

"Christo go walk to daddy." Cree said slowly letting go of his arms.

He kinda wobbled a little but stood up eventually. He put one foot out and followed through with the other. He continued the process until he got to me.

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