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Anya in the mm


After Chris and I's little argument or whatever you want to call it, I went upstairs.

I slipped off the dress I had on and put on a t-shirt.

I went to go check on the kids, and Anya was knocked out.

I turned off her tv and went across the hall to Christo's room and he was awake.

"It's past your bedtime" I nagged squeezing his little nostrils together between my fingers but he swatted my hand away.

"You and daddy always fighting." he said crossing his legs cris-cross.

"It has nothing to do with you and your sister." I told him sitting on his bed in front of him.

"Is it about them?" he asked pointing to my stomach.

"A little. But it's mostly about us. You'll understand when you're older."

"I don't want to." he pouted and I laughed.

"You remember you're other daddy?" I asked him and he nodded and smiled.

I hesitated and I didn't wanna jump to the conclusion that these were Cam's kids inside of me.

Every time Chris even brushes past my stomach I feel a pair of feet kicking me.

"You'll see him soon." I said and kissed the palm of his small hand.

"I love you." He said jumping on me but being careful of my stomach.

"I love you too." I giggled, hugging him back and leaving his room.

When I walked out I saw Chris run into our room.

"Really? Eavesdropping? Aren't you getting a little old for that?" I joked cause Chris just turned thirty.

He rolled his eyes and smacked his teeth.

I took my hair out the ponytail it was in and laid in the bed.

It's the most difficult thing in life to sleep when I'm pregnant cause I usually sleep on my stomach.

I felt Chris slither into the spot next to me.

It took me a while but when Chris moved away from me, I finally fell asleep.


When I woke up, it was like 11:00 and Chris was sitting with his back to the post, in deep thought.

"What?" I asked him and he looked over to me.

"So how do you wanna do this? I'll move out if you're gonna stay here, or I'll stay if you gonna move in with King. Cause its clear that you think the kids are h-"

"It's clear that you're being a little bitch about this! You can't be civil for five fucking minutes. I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you! So move out." I yelled at him and as soon as I stood up from the bed I felt a rush down my leg.

Christo ran in and put his hands over his mouth when he saw what happened.

"Mommy you peed. You're too old for that." he scolded, wagging his finger.

"It's not pee Christo. Go get your bath and Chris go help Anya bathe." I said and he did so.

I took a quick shower and put on one of Chris's really long 'Underated' t-shirts.

I took twenty minutes to straighten my hair and do my makeup.

"Really?" Chris asked straight facing me as I finished my eyeliner.

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