This Time

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"I really need you to find this girl, she has my daughter." I told Reggie and Kenny, showing them a picture of Carly.

"Okay. Are you and King still together?" Reggie asked.

They wouldn't help if I wasn't with him and I don't even think Camerin and I broke up.

"Yeah." I answered and they both nodded.

"I need you guys to find her no later then tomorrow and if King finds out that y'all bullshitted me, its gone be hell to pay." I said and Kenny swallowed hard cause he knows I'm serious.

Camerin's crazy ass shot Kenny in the hand once, just cause it accidentally brushed my ass.

I left Camerin's trap house and went home where Chris was taking care of Christo.

Chris and I have been getting frustrated cause since yesterday Christo keeps asking when is Anya coming back.

"Christo I don't know okay?" Chris said with irritation in his voice.

"Mommy." Christo said running over to me and I picked him up.

"Why don't you take a nap?" I suggested to Christo as he wiped his eyes.

He hasn't slept all night and neither have Chris and I.

"So how are we gonna get her back?" Chris asked, following me up the steps to Christo's room.

"I got it handled."

After I put Christo in his bed, I got a call from Kenny and picked it up.

"When we find her, what do you want us to do?" Kenny asked.

I thought long and hard about it before I responded.

"Kill her." I said and hung up.

Carly POV

"Go to the address I sent you. She drives a black range rover. So when she pulls out the driveway, follow her car until you get close enough and shoot her." I instructed to the hit-man I hired.

"I'm a professional. I know what to do." he said and hung up.

I heard Anya start to cry and I slapped her thigh.

"Be the fuck quiet!" I commanded and she started crying silently.

She's been crying all this time. You'd think she'd run out of tears.


Someone rand the doorbell and I opened the ten feet door.

"Hey, you said I could borrow your rover for the week." Justice said.

I slapped my hand to my face cause I forgot. I went over to the rack and grabbed her the keys.

"Here, have it back by Thursday." I said and she nodded and gave me a hug bye.

I heard her exit out the driveway and a couple seconds later I heard faint gunshots.

"What was that?" Chris asked coming downstairs.

"I don't know." I said.

I tried to ignore it but a couple minutes later I heard police sirens pass by the house.

I turned on the tv and changed the channel to the news and Chris came downstairs looking confused.

"Rita Moore here, a woman was killed not even five minutes ago behind me here on Manafest Road." the woman said moving out the way and I saw my car with Justice being put on a stretcher.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now