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"I don't wanna go." I told Chris cause he was trying to get me and the kids to go to Carly's barbecue.

"For real. She wants y'all there." he pleaded.

"Some shit is gonna go down. And I swear to god if she touches my stomach, I'ma kill her." I warned and Chris put his hands up in defense.

"Just for a hour then you can leave." Chris said and I nodded.

Chris put Christo and Anya in their car seats and we both got in to head to Carly's house.


"Heyy!" she stretched out when she saw us and hugged me but I didn't hug back.

"Where the hell you been?!" Chyna yelled when I walked in.

"Pregnant." I said hugging her and she laughed.

Carly must not have any friends cause all the people here look like they're Chris's friends.

"Christo, Anya, you two go watch tv with them." I told them, pointing to where three other kids were watching Disney channel.

Christo nodded and took Anya's hand and led her to one of the couches.

I followed Chyna to wear everyone was sitting at and took a seat next to Chris.

"So how are you and the babies." Carly cooed.

"We're good Charlie." I said mistaking her name on purpose and Chris nudged me.

She got up and went somewhere and Chris stood up and stood over me looking mad.

"You can't be civil for two seconds. You always think you're in competition with someone, but you've already won." he scolded and I rolled my eyes and stood up too.

"Won what? I don't like her. She knows that. You know that, and I don't even want to fucking be here!"

"What did she win?" Mijo's nosy ass butted in and asked Chris.

"You tell him. Tell him how you made Carly miscarry cause she was pregnant with my baby." Chris said and everyone's eyes widened and all heads turned to us.

"You just did." I shrugged and Carly came back around the corner with a hurt look on her face.

"Y-you... you killed m-my baby?" she stuttered and I gave her a blank stare.

A tear slid down her cheek and seconds later get sadness turned to anger and she lunged at me.

Chris grabbed her but not enough because she still managed to punch me in the stomach.

Before I could react, Chyna stood up and punched her in her face.

"Don't ever try nothing like that again." Chyna warned her.

Chris walked her to somewhere and came back.

"Where'd you put her?" Chyna asked and Chris shook his head.

"You know what? I'm leaving. Have a nice life. I'll let you know when the kids are born." I told Chris and went to the living room.

"Christo where's Anya?" I asked him when I noticed she wasn't next to him.

"Carly said she needed her for something. She told me to come to but I said no."

I looked out the window and saw Anya in the front seat or Carly's car and Carly walking around to the drivers side.

"Anya?!" I yelled and got no response.

I looked out the window and saw Anya in the front seat or Carly's car and Carly walking around to the drivers side.

"What's wrong?" Chris said running in.

"She stole my baby!"

(A/N: I know this is short but it's only like two or three more chapters left.)

Anya in the mm

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