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When I woke up it was dead silent which never happens.

"Chris?!" I yelled and nothing came in return.

I hopped up and looked in the kids rooms and they were gone and Chris's car he usually drives was gone.

I went back in our room and got ready to go to work. When I got there, I sat on my desk and dialed Chris's number.

"Hello?" he answered tiredly.

"Where are you and the kids?"

"Gone," he said in a duh tone.

"Chris you have no right to do that. You need to come home tonight."

"And you had no right to cheat on me but we can't always get what we want huh?" he said.

"Chris don't be like that." I told him and he scoffed.

I hung up and hopped off my desk. I carried on with my day until work ended and I left at closing.

Chris thinks he's so smart but I know he went to the beach house. That's the only other place of ours in California.

I drove the longest two hours of my life and I finally made it there. I took out my key and opened the door to walk in.

I turned the corner and Christo attacked my legs.

"Mommy I missed you!" he said and I bent down to his level to kiss him on the cheek.

"I missed you too." I said ruffing up his hair.

"Christo go upstairs alright." I told him and he ran up the stairs.

I stood there and a minute later Chris came down the stairs.

"How'd you know?" Chris asked with a annoyed tone.

"Chris I know you. Come home." I demanded and he sighed.

"I think we need some time apart."

"For what?"

"Honestly... I really want to divorce you. I mean we've been on and off five years and I've never cheated on you."

"And it's my biggest regret. I'm never gonna do it again."

"That's not the point. You should've never done it in the first place."

I sighed cause he was right and crossed my arms.

"Look... if this kid is mine then we'll stay together. But if it's not then we getting a divorce." he said and I nodded.

"I'll see you later." I said trying to leave but Chris grabbed my arm.

"I love you but... maybe marriage ain't for us." Chris said and I pushed him off.

"Don't tell me that!" I yelled and stomped out.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Chris shouted from the porch.

"Then what the hell did you mean?" I asked him unlocking my Audi.

He didn't say anything so I got in my car and left.

**** 2 months later

"Girl I need you to get up out of this bed," Chyna said opening the drapes and the bright sun peeked through.

Chris and I have been separated these past two months. I been so depressed I never go out.

I rarely ever eat and the only time I get out of bed is to do my hygiene and put a different pair of pajamas on.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now