Why now?

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A small tear fell down my face and more came after it.

"Ma'am I need you to push..." the doctor said as I wiped my face even though tears kept coming.

"Bitch can't you see I just found out something important?!" I snapped.

"I know but you have to give birth now or your child may die." Dr. Ingram told me.

"It's gonna be okay baby." my mom tried to comfort me.

It took an hour but at 8:03 pm I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl was born.

I stared at her. She didn't really look like Chris or me.

She had slanted bluish-green eyes, which neither of us have and she had a lot of brown hair unlike Christo who only had a tuft when he was born.

"She's so cute." Marissa cooed and May nodded in agreement.

"What're you gonna name her?" May asked.

"Anya" I said and Marissa smiled cause that's her middle name.

May cleared her throat causing me to give her a "girl bye" face.

"The middle name could be May." she said.

"Nahh, that's too close to Annie May." I said and they laughed.

"How about Anya Mya Brown?" I said and they both liked it.

I'm low key pissed cause the doctor said I have to wait until tomorrow to see Chris cause I shouldn't be walking so soon after childbirth.

"Did you see him?" I asked mama j when she walked in.

"No. He's still in surgery and they won't tell me anything." she sniffed.

"He'll be fine. I promise sweetheart." she said with a hopeful smile.

"Why don't you get some sleep and you can see Chris in the morning." my mom told me.

May and Marissa left and I dimmed the lights and got comfortable to go to sleep.


I jerked up out of my sleep because I had a nightmare that Chris died.

I haven't slept well at all cause I've been too worried.

"You can go and see him if you want to. Room C103 on the east wing" Mama J said as I checked on Anya.

"Did you go see him?" I asked her and she shook her head yes and started crying.

"He has severe amnesia. At first he didn't even know who he was. Then after I talked to him some more he kinda started remembering." she told me.

"So how far does he remember?"

"He still thinks he's dating Draya."

As soon as she said that my heart sank.

He doesn't even know who I am if he still thinks he's with Draya.

I scrunched up my face, cause I don't even talk to Draya, except business wise.

I wish this was all some dream, but it's not.

"Is everything okay?" my mom asked walking in with Christo.

"Hi mommy." Christo said and I smiled kissed his head.

"What did you tell him?" I whispered to my mom.

"I just told him that Chris is really sick and might not remember him." my mom said and I nodded.

I put Anya back in the crib thing the hospital provides and a nurse rolled her to the baby room.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now