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As she was unbuckling my belt the door flew open.

"How's-" Cree said but stopped talking when she saw Draya on top of me.

"What the hell is going on here?" Cree asked.

"I mean it's pretty obvious... but if you want, you can join." Draya said.

Cree let out a small but angry chuckle, and it seemed like my memory just rushed back to me.

"Bitch you got one... two..." Cree counted and started charging toward Dray.

Before she actually reached her I hopped from the bed and scooped up Cree in my arms.

She struggled to get out of my arms even though she was like a foot away from the floor.

She was yelling at Draya but I wasn't paying attention really, I just heard her end with "on god hoe!".

"Whatever. Chris I'll call you later." Draya said walking out.

"Don't!" Cree yelled and I sat her on the floor.

"So you were just gonna fuck her if I hadn't of walked in right then?" Cree asked with her hand on her hip.

"Well sorry I just started remembering yo ass four seconds ago." I said and she laughed.

I moved her curly hair out her face and kissed her forehead.

We heard Anya start crying and Cree looked at me.

"Your turn." she smirked.

**** 1 month later


"Chris move!" I said trying to push him off of me.

It's been six weeks since I had Anya so he been trying to get it all day.

"Wait til later," he said slapping my butt and winking before he went upstairs.

"Mommy?" Christo said tugging on my jean leg.


"Anya sick."

I picked him up and put him on my hip to go see what he was talking about.

When I reached Anya's room she was sweating and it looked as if she had thrown up.

I called her doctor and waited for them to answer.

"Hello, Sunrise Pediatric help center. How may I help you today?" the lady said.

"Hi, my daughter is sweating and vomiting. What does that mean?"

"Most likely, since she's sweating she's probably dehydrated. So try your best to cool her down and call back if that doesn't work."

I hung up without saying thanks cause that wasn't much help.

I ran Anya a cool bath and she whined because it was cold.

"What's wrong mommy's baby?" I cooed and she smiled.

"Babe I'm going to the studio." Chris told me.

"Bye." I huffed.

He's always there working on his last album, The Final Chapter.

And I know I sound selfish but how would you feel if he only changes a diaper and feeds the baby once a week.

He helped out with Christo more than he does with Anya. And I have a job too that I'm never at.

"Problem?" Chris asked poking his head in the bathroom.

"No. Now leave." I said splashing some of Anya's bath water on him.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now