Wedding Day Part 1

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A STAIN?!" I yelled at May who just told me its a spot on my wedding dress.

"Damn, it was just joke." she mumbled.

The lady just finished doing my makeup and now moved on to my hair. I adjusted my robe, glaring at May.

"Don't act like you didn't yell at me at least twice on your wedding day! And I was pregnant at that." I said and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Aww, you look beautiful!" Chyna said already dressed and ready.

Of course since I was the bride I get my hair and everything done last.

"Thanks Angela." I said and her smile went away, causing me to laugh.

"Are you ready to get married? Tied down to one person for the rest of your life. I mean you and May jumped into this so early, what if you get a divorce?" Marissa asked.

I never really thought of it that way. I mean, what if I am doing all this too early, and we do end up getting a divorce.

I don't want Christo going through what I went through when I was little.

"Shut up!" Courtney said slapping Marissa's arm. "You'll be fine and happy boo. This is what you've wanted since you were twelve! Don't let these bitches get you down." Court encouraged me.

"Yeah, I've never been happier!" May said.

"If you need someone to talk to about relationship problems, I got you!" Nicki said sipping a glass of champagne that was provided.

"If you mess up your dress. I will beat your ass so bad!" I warned her.

"I'm not I'm not! Calm down."

What Marissa said really kept ringing in my head. Like seriously, I'm only nineteen and getting married and have a child.

This is not what I pictured my life as years ago. And if we do get divorced, most likely I'll end back up with Camerin, and that's not the road I wanna go on again.

The more I thouht, I felt what very little I ate this morning come up.

I hopped out the chair and ran to the bathroom to throw up. As I stood up straight, I wiped my mouth and brushed my teeth.

"Okay, there's only two reasons you could be throwing up.. and you haven't had any alcohol, so that leaves one reason." Court said with a smile. "You're pregnant!" she squealed.

Oh my fucking god. Why me? Like one child is hard enough. I'm really second guessing this wedding

A tear slid down my cheek as Courtney walked out.

"Baby girl, you got a text." Chyna said walking and handing me my phone.

"What's wrong?" she said as I typed in my pass code to see it.

"I- I think I'm pregnant." I said and she squealed.

"Glad you and everyone else is excited." I said clicking messages.

"Don't you want more?" Chy asked.

"Not now!" I said clicking on the first one that was on the list.

Camerin: Hey babe, I got out yesterday. Someone told me you and Chris are getting married today.

Camerin: I wish y'all luck, and I know he makes you and Christo happy. Just be sure to visit me sometimes, and know I love you."

More tears fell when I read the second message.

"Who's that?" Chyna asked.

"Camerin. I- I can't do this. I can't marry Chris." I said through sniffling.

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