Uh oh

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After dinner I washed the dishes and followed Carly out to her car.

"Thanks for everything. I'm sure our kids will get along really well like they're full siblings." she said and I nodded.

"See you later." I said and she smiled and got in her car.

I went back in the house and Chris pulled me in a hug.

"You're taking this really well." he said and I went upstairs.

**** one week later

The doorbell rung and Chris ran downstairs to answer it.

I peeked from the top of the stairs to hear what she had to say.

"Hey," Chris said to Carly who's face was stained with tears.

"I have something really important to tell you... I did everything I was supposed to and I don't know how but I lost the baby." she said between sniffles.

When she said that Chris had a huge disappointed look on his face.

"I'm so sorry... do you wanna come in? Or do you need hel-"

"I'll be fine. I just wanted to let you know. Thank you and your wife for being there for me." she said and he nodded.

He closed the door and I hurried back to the room before he got up the stairs.

"Who was it?" I asked slipping on my heels since I'm about to go to work.

"It was Carly... she miscarried." he mumbled.

I tried to hold in my laugh but it slipped a little and he looked at me crazy.

"It's fine, you don't need three kids at a time anyway." I assured him.

"You don't care do you?" he asked as I put on my earrings.

I shrugged and grabbed my purse.

"Are you fucking serious? That kid was apart of me and you're acting like it doesn't even matter." he huffed.

"It doesn't matter Chris. It just wasn't meant for that baby to be." I said walking into the hallway but he grabbed my arm.

"It wasn't meant to be but you're having another niggas kids." he said through clenched teeth.

I pushed him off of me and his face turned a bright red with the vein in his forehead popping.

"Why do you care if she lost it? You didn't care when you made me lose either of our kids." I shrugged and he let out a huge breath.

"You're my wife and you really think I didn't give a fuck. How many times you gonna throw that shit in my face?"

"As many times as I want. Because if you really cared about me at all you wouldn't have hurt me as many times as you did."

"And you hurt me the worst of all so who are you to judge. You're a selfish ass bitch who only cares about your own happiness!" he yelled but all I heard him say was the word 'bitch'.

"That's why that hoe lost your baby." I mumbled and he slapped me.

I took the vase that was on the nearby table and hit him over the head with it.

It left a small cut near his eye but I didn't care.

"Get the hell out and I mean that shit! When I get back you better be gone." I told him.

I went in Anya's room and picked her up and told Christo to follow me to my car.

I drove them to my Mom's house and dropped them off.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now