For Good?

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"You're too far into the pregnancy so I know you didn't take these... so who did you give two of these to?" he said after I didn't answer.

I shrugged and he gave me a serious look.

"Did you or did you not give Carly these, the day she came over?"

"I don't have time for this Chris." I said about to walk away but he yanked me onto the couch.

"You gone have time for this if you don't tell me the fucking truth. Did you kill my baby?"

"Your baby? Your baby. So you wanted it?"

"Well I sure as hell didn't want it dead." he mumbled. "Why would you do that?"

"Cause she deserved it." I shrugged.

"She deserved it? No woman deserves to lose her baby."

"You're right and I out of all people know that. Chris why do you care so much about her baby but you made me lose two of mine and I can't even get a apology."

He looked down at his hands and sighed.

"You think I wanna be constantly reminded of those times. You not the only one who lost them, I lost em too and it's selfish of you to kill someone else's child cause what, you were jealous? You didn't want someone else having my kid?"

"No I didn't. So I did what I had to do to make sure that didn't happen." I told him. "All your stuff is packed? Cause you gotta go."

He stood up and studied me for a second. Then nodded and grabbed a big suitcase out the corner of the room.

"Call me when the kids are born." he said and walked out.


I went to Carly's house, which I know is weird but I ain't tryna go nowhere Cree would guess.

I went up to the door and knocked on it. And I could see her walking towards me cause the door was glass.

"What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Um... I was wondering if I could stay here for a little while." I said nervously and she smiled.

"Of course. Come on in." she said moving out the way.


"Ouch!" I yelled when bacon grease popped on me.

I been staying here with Carly for a month and this shit is horrible. She don't cook, she don't clean, it's hell. She's only good for a quick fuck every now and then.

Cree on the other hand don't even give a fuck about me honestly. She lets me come see the kids once a week, and doesn't say a word to me while I'm there.

And to ice the fucking cake, she let that nigga King move in with her. She got Christo calling him daddy and everything.

"Good morning." Carly said kissing my cheek and I gave her a nod.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I mumbled, turning the stove off and fixing my plate.

"You're not gonna make mine?" she asked.

"Hell naw. You got two hands."

When I was finished eating, I went and got ready cause I was spending a day with Christo.

I grabbed the keys and hopped in my car and drove to what used to be my house.

When I knocked on the door, King opened it and looked me up and down.

Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)Where stories live. Discover now