Awsten's POV:
I'm so fucking worried about Isla. I don't know what to do or say. All I know is that I can't lose her.
I didn't sleep last night; all I had were anxious and fearful thoughts about losing her. She's my everything. I'm hopelessly in love with her. I can't lose her.
I texted Geoff and Otto to come round to mine today. I need some advice. Geoff was the first one to arrive, since he lives the closest to me.
"Hey, how's it going?" He greeted me.
"Hey, um that's what I wanted to talk about, but let's wait for Otto." I sighed.
Once Otto arrived, I sat them both down on the couch."Guys, I don't know what to do." I sighed.
"With what?" Otto asked, both looked at me concerned.
"Isla. She's going through a lot. I don't know how to help her."
"Why? What's happened?" Geoff inquired.
"She had a rough night the other day. She started self harming. I'm so fucking scared. What if I lose her?" Tears flooded my vision. Geoff and Otto haven't seen me cry very often, so they were a bit taken aback.
"Hey, she'll get better. You'll both get through this." Otto put his hand on my shoulder, offering his support.
"What if she doesn't?" I wiped my tears with the sleeves of my sweater.
"She will." Geoff added.
"I might go to England tomorrow." Isla's birthday was in 10 days. I wasn't planning on going to England until 2 days before her birthday.
"What about rehearsal?" Geoff asked. We had planned a week of rehearsal this week and then the week before the show.
"For God's sake Geoff, I don't know!" I snapped at him. "I'm sorry. I'm just panicking."
"It will be okay. If you need to go to England early, go. We can do the tour on only a weeks worth of rehearsal. If it was Grace, I couldn't not be in the same room as her, let alone a different country." Otto reassured me.
"Yeah, I struggle when I know Chloe's down and I can't be there to hold her." Geoff added.
"I'm really sorry, guys. I need to be with her."
"Don't apologise, we understand." Geoff replied and Otto nodded in agreement.
"Just promise you're not moving to the UK, yeah?" Otto joked. To be honest, I've considered it. Not now, just maybe in a couple of years, If things go well with Isla and the band is no longer going.
"Not in the foreseeable future. Maybe when we're all too old for this shit." I laughed.
Otto and Geoff had gone home and I had the flight transfer site on my laptop and Isla's contact up ready to call. What if she doesn't want me to come early?I started calling and it only took her a few seconds to pick up.
"Hey beautiful, you okay?" I asked.
"Hi. Um I'm good thanks, you?" She wasn't good. I could hear it in her voice, it was cracked and croaky like she had been crying.
"I'm okay. I need to ask you something."
"What is it?" She sounded worried.
"How would you feel if I flew out tomorrow instead of next week?" I asked hesitantly.
"Don't you have band practice? And loads of other shit you need to do?"
"It's all been sorted, trust me. So would that be okay or do you want me to wait?" It wasn't sorted and I'd probably be getting hardly any sleep tonight trying to sort all the label and management stuff out.
"Of course it would be okay, but why?"
"Because I want to see you and hold you. I don't want to wait." I sighed.
"Is this because of the other night?" She could see right through me.
"Yes and no."
"So it's pity?" She sounded annoyed.
"Jesus Isla! Why can't you let me support you? I'm not pitying you. I wanna be there. I want to hold you and tell you it will get better. I want to distract you and give you a reason to want to feel better. I want to see you not only in my dreams. I miss you and I miss your scent; I miss how you taste. I miss the feeling of your skin on mine. Tell me how I can get all that over texts and phone calls. Sure, the other night made me realize how much I need to see you, but it isn't the only reason." I picked at the loose threads on my hoodie sleeve.
"Won't it cost you to change your flight, especially at this short notice?"
"I don't care. I just need to be able to sleep next to you. It's so difficult. I don't understand it, with Ciara I never felt this much of a need to always be around her. You've made me clingy." I laughed.
"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not." I heard a slight giggle from her end.
"So can I change my flight for tomorrow?" I repeated the question.
"Do Otto and Geoff know?"
"Yes, I talked to them about it earlier." I was getting impatient.
"Okay." I smiled widely.
"Yes. Do you want me to pick you up from Manchester airport?" She asked.
"Yeah, hold on let me just confirm my flight change." I clicked on the the basket.
"What time would you get in?"
"Ten pm. Is that okay?"
"Yeah it'll be better because the motorway will be clear."
"You definitely sure?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm really excited to see you. But I need to tidy everywhere."
"I'm not bothered about that." I smiled and started the booking process.
"I need to tell my family. I've barely seen them since I got back. I saw Alaric for half an hour yesterday. Oh and Tonka finally came and slept with me."
"I told you she would."
"I think there's something wrong with her though. She seems off. I'm gonna take her to the vet tomorrow morning." I heard her sigh.
"Oh no, I hope there's nothing wrong."
Very short chapter, I'm sorry. I needed to get this chapter out before I go camping for a week, and then I have my exams.Thanks for reading!
Vote. Comment. Follow.izzyowen01🙃

On the Road- Awsten Knight Waterparks
Teen FictionIsla (pronounced eye-la) is a 19 year old girl who has just finished her sound technician degree. She wants to travel the world but has no money. So she decides to try get a job as a roadie, all she brings with her is a small suitcase of clothing, h...