Isla's POV:
It was about 22:30pm when Awsten called.
"Hey buttercup!" He said enthusiastically.
"Hi, I've missed you."
"I missed you too. Whatcha been up to?" He sounded happy.
"Well I went to the British museum, it was really cool and interesting. Did a little sight seeing in the centre of London, then we went back to Camden and I went in some thrift shops. What about you?" I cuddled up to a couch cushion. Luke and Amelia were playing overwatch.
"I've just been demoing some of the songs I wrote on tour and giving Jet lots kisses. Did you find any cool clothes?"
"Yeah, I got some weird slogan tees and some new jeans. I found you a really cool jumper that you're going to look so cute in!"
"You bought me a sweater!" I could hear the smile on his face.
"Yeah it was so you, so I couldn't not get you it." I smiled.
"Thank you beautiful!" My heart skipped at the nickname.
"It's okay." I almost whispered.
"So I've booked a flight to Manchester Airport for the 18th it gets in at 4pm."
"Cool. I'll pick you up from the airport. Have you booked your return flight?"
"No, not yet. I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me so we can spend the week before tour together in Houston."
"Of course I will, I have nothing better to do. I'll call Liz tomorrow to tell her that I'm going earlier and I'll swap my flight. Which day were you thinking of going back to Texas?"
"Probably the 22nd. Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah definitely! I'm so excited to see you."
"Me too, baby. I'm meeting Jawn and getting Thai with him soon. So I'll ring you in the morning, yeah?" I pouted a little because I liked just talking to him.
"Um I'll probably be on my train and I get really awkward talking on the phone when I'm on public transport." I bit my lip, knowing it was stupid.
"Okay, well text me when you're home, so I know you're safe. Then I'll call you then." He's so precious and understanding.
"Okay I will. Have a nice night. Say hi to Jawn for me. Okay. I love you, goodnight."
"I love you too. Night princess."
"Bye." He chuckled at my face inability to just say bye once.
"Bye." He said still laughing.
"Okay, I'm hanging up. Byeee!" I said before pressing the big red button and ending the call.
I sighed and laid onto Amelia's lap whilst her eyes remained focused on their game.
"You okay?" She spoke without moving her eyes away from the screen.
"Yeah, I just miss him. What if we can't do long distance? What if he can't be arsed with me anymore? What if he's too busy to call or text and we end up not talking anymore."
With Amelia I felt I could tell her anything and not be judge for it."Hey it takes 2 seconds to send a text. He's committed to you, why would he bother to come to England for your birthday if he didn't give a shit?" She asked rhetorically.
"I don't know, I'm just scared. I've never done this before." I rubbed my eyes as I was not only tired but now a little stressed.
"It will be okay. He's not going to get fed up with you, I promise. Now go put some pants on, we're going to go get ice cream!" She ordered me.
"Sir, yes sir!" I saluted and grabbed a pair of leggings from my suitcase and went into the bathroom to change out of my pajama shorts.
Amelia and I went to the local Tesco express to go get some non-dairy Ben and Jerry's.
"In the parking lot of Tesco express there's a metal grid and if you lift the lid you'll find me and my friends!" I scream sang a song called cool cat by no hot ashes, as we walked through the car park towards the doors of the shop.
"You have a song for everything, don't you?" Amelia laughed, and picked up a basket.
"Of course my dear!" I smiled genuinely.
We went to the freezers and grabbed a pint of fudge brownie.
"Oh shit! Let's get hummus!" She smirked.
"You know me too well!" We grabbed a pot of organic hummus and some tortilla chips.
"We done?" I asked.
"Yup, let's pay then go home and watch Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging." Amelia skipped through the shop over to the self checkouts.
We paid half each and walked to her home, arm in arm, laughing like mad men.
When we got back to her flat, I changed back into my pajama shorts and got under the duvet on the sofa bed and loaded the film up on Netflix.
Luke walked into his room as soon as he saw what we were watching.
Amelia went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of wine, a can of diet coke for me, and two dessert spoons.
I pressed play on the film and we opened the pint of ice cream, eating it from the tub.
"Remember when I tried to kiss Eli?" Amelia laughed, as did I.
"Oh my god! It was so awkward. He actually ran away from you!" I snorted.
"What's worse is that I chased after him!" Our laughing got even louder.
"You were only 12, how else would you react to that?"
"I miss being that carefree. I wanna go back to it being me and you, in the tree house, pretending to be riot grrrls singing along to bikini kill and bratmobile." Amelia reminisced.
"Those were some of the best days of my life. Remember when we tried to form our own punk band with me playing my first electric guitar so badly and singing terrible lyrics, you playing bass, and us forcing Ric to be our drummer." Alaric used to only answer to Ric when he was between 10 and 13, before he decided that Alaric was cooler.
"Oh God, Ric! Ric was Alaric's weird chavvy alter ego. That chav phase did not suit him well." Amelia fell back laughing.
"None of his phases suited him well! I think he's growing into quite the gentleman now though. He's started wearing black skinny jeans with button up shirts and suit jackets, because he's started to listen to Palaye Royale and he thinks Sebastian's outfits are cool. This is the only phase I support." I showed Amelia a picture of him, in his new style.
"Aw he looks so handsome! We used to bully him so much." She giggled.
"That's what you're supposed to do with little brothers!" I said with a mouth stuffed full of ice cream.
"So basically, you've all ended up being emo then..." Amelia noted.
"I'm a repressed emo!" I screamed.
"I feel like that's a reference but I don't get it." She chuckled.
"Reeeeeeee!" I screamed even louder.
"Okay we have neighbours, calm down love." She slapped her hand over my mouth to silence me.
"Isla! You're not invited back!" Luke shouted through the walls.
"He's just messing with you, don't worry." Amelia reassured me. I licked her hand to get her to remove it from my lips. "Ew! Never mind he's right!" She wiped her now wet hand on my shirt.
"You love me really! Now can we actually pay attention, Robby is my bae. Awsten is my side hoe when it comes to Robby." I joked and turned to face the tv.
Short chapter, I know!
Sorry it took so long to upload again, I had a mock exam and my deadline for my assignment.Thanks for reading!
Vote. Comment. Follow.izzyowen01💜

On the Road- Awsten Knight Waterparks
Dla nastolatkówIsla (pronounced eye-la) is a 19 year old girl who has just finished her sound technician degree. She wants to travel the world but has no money. So she decides to try get a job as a roadie, all she brings with her is a small suitcase of clothing, h...