Awsten's POV:
When I came down from the top deck, I saw Isla asleep on the small couch, next to Geoff and Jawn who were still playing video games.
I saw that she still had her shoes on and looked a little cold. I grabbed her blanket from her bunk and walked over.
I put my index finger on my lips signalling to the guys to be quiet. I gently slipped off her vans, careful not to wake her, and placed the blanket over her frame.
"You really like her don't you?" Jawn looked at me. They had both paused the game.
"Uhh..." I scratched my neck, blush rising on my cheeks.
"Oh come on Awsten. You would love to have her as your girlfriend." Geoff chipped in.
"I don't know. I've haven't known her long. I just couldn't tell you. I mean she's beautiful and amazing, but the only other guy she got close with wanted to go really fast. I don't want to push her away. If all she'll ever be is a friend, then I'm okay with that. As long as, she's happy." I don't know where all that came from. We were whispering as to not wake her.
"I get the whole take it slow thing, but you can't deny the fact you were made for each other. You're both just so nice and loving, you deserve someone like her." Jawn said and I smiled.
"I look at her and I just want to be around her all the time. I know that's super clingy but she makes me laugh, she doesn't think I act weird or childish, I just feel I can be myself around her. I don't know, I just don't want to loose her. What if I push her away by being too fast?" I asked them, I watched as she shifted in her sleep and made an adorable mumble.
"Just get to know her. Don't rush if you think that's best. See where the road takes you." Geoff advised and Jawn nodded in agreement.
"I'm off to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Jawn said and went over to his bunk just below mine.
"Yeah I should probably be off too. Night Awsten. Don't worry about it, I think she likes you." I smiled and watch him walk up the stairs.
I was all alone and wide awake.
I got my laptop and came and sat on the couch next to the sleeping Isla. I opened up Twitter on my laptop as well as Spotify and put my headphones in.
I glanced at Isla every couple of minutes to check on her, whilst scrolling through my news feed.
It was absolutely boring. Nothing interesting just shit. Then one of my favourite songs came on.
🎶I'll Follow You into the Dark- Death Cab for Cutie🎶
As I listened, all I could think about was Isla. I watched her in her peaceful sleep, she had a slight smile on her soft lips. She was dreaming and I wish I could have been dreaming with her.
I'm obsessed with the way her eyelashes rest on the pale skin of her cheeks. The way the strands of baby hair were tucked behind her ear. The way her eyebrows furrowed as she concentrated on her dream.
She was perfect.
She started to fuss in her sleep and then opened, causing me to look away immediately.
"Awsten?" She said in a husky groggy voice.
"Yes jellybean?" God knows why I just called her jellybean!
"Mmm I like that name." She said closing her eyes again before blinking them open, like she was trying to stay awake.
"Why am I on the sofa? And where did this blanket come from?" She said confused.
"You fell asleep watching Geoff and Jawn, and you looked cold so I put your blanket over you." I smiled down at her.
"Thank you. It's freezing!" She rubbed her eyes.
"You still cold?" She nodded. I lifted my arm.
"I have supreme body heat, if you want any of it?" She came over and snuggled into me.
"Aws?" I looked down at her signalling for her to continue.
"Would you mind turning the brightness down on your laptop?" I did it straight away.
"Was it hurting your eyes?" I asked.
"No I get bad migraines from bright screens, the sun, and white paper. I have scotopic sensitivity, basically my brain struggles to process visual information." She snuggled into me more. Her body against mine felt so right.
"I've never heard of it before." I chuckled.
"Most people haven't. I usually just try to ignore it but it really bothers me at night and when I've woken up." She smiled and closed her eyes.
A strand of her hair fell down onto her cheek so I instinctively tucked it behind her ear. She giggled at me doing this.
"I wanna change my hair colour." She said.
"What to?"
"Lilac maybe, or like a pastel pink. I don't if I can be bothered to bleach my hair though." Her hand fell onto my thigh, sending butterflies into my stomach. I wonder if she knew how much she affected me.
"I think with would suit you but I think pink because... wait promise you won't tell anyone." She opened her eyes and gave me her pinky finger. I laughed and pinky promised her.
"For the new generation of waterparks I'm dying my hair purple so it will go lilac as it fades, so unless you want to be matching." We both laughed.
"I love your blue hair! But I mean I'm sure I'll get used to purple." She giggled and messed up my hair with her fingers.
"We should probably go to bed." I said and realised it sounded like I was asking her to come to bed with me.
"I like being the only two still awake." Her eyes fluttered open and shut.
"You're falling asleep jellybean." There it was again. I couldn't help it the name suited her perfectly. Sweet and full of colour.
"Mmm but your awake, you'll be alone." My fingers entwined with her hair. What was I doing?
"I'll be okay." I took my hand away from her hair.
"No. I liked that." She whined and I giggled at her child like behaviour, I ran my fingers through her hair again.
"I don't want to go to sleep yet. Plus my bunk is always cold. I think there's a draft." She rested her hand on my chest and I held her closer to my body when she mentioned the cold.
"Okay." I placed the blanket over both of us, mostly Isla but I didn't mind.
I shut my laptop and watched an English rose fall asleep in my arms.
I never wanted this tour to end.
This is the first really romantic contact they've had so far!!!
Thanks for reading.
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On the Road- Awsten Knight Waterparks
Genç KurguIsla (pronounced eye-la) is a 19 year old girl who has just finished her sound technician degree. She wants to travel the world but has no money. So she decides to try get a job as a roadie, all she brings with her is a small suitcase of clothing, h...