Isla's POV:
Today was our last day in the UK before we head out to Europe. Honestly, I was quite nervous. Being away from home is hard but it's harder when you're in a different country. What if something happened and I needed to get home?
I tried not to think about it for the rest of the day as I set up and did soundcheck. My mood had been kinda low recently even if I've been hiding it well enough that no one has mentioned anything. Though I haven't been the most talkative and social person on the tour.
"Hey, buttercup." Awsten snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Oh, hey." I said with hardly any emotion in my voice. I wasn't meaning to be distant or anything, I just was.
"How's my girlfriend doing this fine afternoon?" He said in a cheery tone. We haven't actually told anyone since he asked me yesterday.
"I'm okay, I just slept kinda shitty last night." I said adjusting the levels on the guitar that was being checked, on the mixing desk. Awsten's arms were still wrapped around me, radiating his heat into my back and waist. If I wasn't feeling numb, my heart would be pounding and breath hitched at the feel of his body against mine.
"Oh shit, was that my fault? Was I moving or snoring or-" he asked worried before I cut him off.
"No it wasn't you. My brain just had a hard time shutting off. Don't worry though, I'm fine." Don't let it show. Don't let him see how damaged you are. I closed my eyes and breathed in trying to push away those thoughts once again.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked unwrapping his arms from my waist, leaving a cold dark sensation where he once was. He faced me with concerned eyes.
"I'm peachy. I promise." I put on a smile and continued to adjust the levels.
"Okay. But if you're ever not, you know you can talk to me right?" He smiled weakly. He thinks you're a mess. This is pity. He only feels sorry for you. Push it back, Isla.
"Thank you, I know." I lied. He doesn't deserve this bullshit. Leave him before it's too late. It was getting harder to ignore.
My phone started to ring.
Incoming call: Eli💚
"It's Eli. I should probably get this." I said to Awsten who nodded. I had finished soundchecking the supports anyway and the waterparks soundcheck wasn't scheduled for another 20 minutes. Awsten nodded and I answered the call before stepping outside.
"Hi." I greeted him.
"Hey bug, how's it going?" He said cheerfully. When he asked me all my emotions came flooding back all at once. I began to sob into the phone, walking away from the venue to a secluded alleyway. "Isla, what's the matter? Talk to me." I continued to sob into the phone.
"Everything around me is amazing and I just feel like a black hole." I sniffled try to wipe away my tears, only for them to be replaced with more.
"You're not a black hole. You're this incredible beam of light, trust me. I've been around you almost 20 years, I should know." His voice was thick with worry.
"Awsten asked me out." I said quietly into the phone.
"He did? What did you say?"
"Yes, but now I feel like I'm just going to ruin him. He's too good for me. What do I do, Eli?" I continued to cry heavily.
"You've only ever made my life better, you'll do the same to his. Answer me honestly, okay? Do you like him?" Eli sighed.
"Yes, but-" before I could finish he cut me off.

On the Road- Awsten Knight Waterparks
Ficção AdolescenteIsla (pronounced eye-la) is a 19 year old girl who has just finished her sound technician degree. She wants to travel the world but has no money. So she decides to try get a job as a roadie, all she brings with her is a small suitcase of clothing, h...