chapter one: The Collision

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Finn's POV

(4 months later)

"Introducing the challenger, The Demon, Finn Balor!"

I enter with my demon persona and once in the ring, I do my signature pose on the ropes and get into the ring.

A moment later, Samoa Joe enters and I glare at him. We're at the Fastlane pay per view and I'm in a singles match with Samoa Joe.

The bell rings and I immediately lunge at him and hit him until he's in the corner. The ref backs me up and I take a few steps back and then he hits me.

He throws me over the ropes and I land outside the ring. Just as he's running towards me, I dive out of the way and he goes into the turn buckle.

In that moment, I  myself and take a few deep breaths and plan my strategy.

So, Samoa is bigger than I am, so while he has strength, I have speed.

While he's down, I take that opening and hit his head against it a few times before throwing him against the steel steps. He retaliates and kicks me against the head. I crouch down and hold my head.

He trips me and hits me again. We go back and forth and I throw him into the ring and attempt to pin him, but he kicks out.

He tries to put me in his sleeper hold, but I reverse by grabbing his arm and twisting it. I throw him against the ropes and DDT him. As he's laying there, I climb up to the top of the turn buckle. I jump off and do my signature move with the double knees to the chest.

I pin him and my music plays when the three count hits. I stand up as the ref lifts my hand up. I celebrate in the ring and wipe the blood from my forehead.

After I'm done, I walk backstage. Once I'm there, I immediately walk to the locker room.

When I'm walking down the hallway I wipe the escalating blood trail away. I look down for a moment at my hands, which also has a few cuts on.

Just when I'm about to look up, I collide with someone. The person falls, but my arms automatically shoot out and I grab the petite form in my arms.

Her eyes are closed as if she's bracing herself for the impact. I clear my throat and immediately deep brown eyes stare back at me.

Her hair looks a bit disoriented and she has an afraid yet still fierce look on her face. In other, more accurate words, she looks beautiful.

"Uh, hi, I'm so sorry." She says and I clear my throat and help her upright.

"No problem. You alright?" I ask and she nods and takes an obvious nervous breath.

"Yeah, no sweat. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry!" She rushes out with a distraught expression.

That is when it clicks. I've seen her before. She just came up from NXT.

"It is okay, Bayley, calm down. I was just at much at fault by not looking forward like a normal person." I say calmly and she narrows her eyes a fraction

"You know me?" She asks surprised by the fact that I knew her name.

"Yeah, you just came up from NXT. I'm Finn." I say and hold my hand out for her to shake.

She reluctantly takes it and her hand is very small and soft against mine.

"Of course I know your name. I'm Bayley, but you already know that since you said my name. And I'm rambling which isn't very helpful to my already awkward situation, so I'm stopping now." She rambles on, but eventually stops and painfully closes her eyes

I can't help but to start laughing. I hold my stomach and for the first time in months, I'm actually, really laughing.

Not the fake chuckles and smiles I've been distributing, but a real belly laugh.

"Jeez, as if I'm not totally embarrassed right now, you're full on laughing at me?" Bayley asks and I detect a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

"I'm so sorry, but that was the funniest thing I've witnessed in months." I say and wipe the tears away which formed.

"Thank you so much for killing the last bit of dignity which I had left." She comments dryly.

"Don't worry you just provided me with my daily dose of humor." I chuckle and she pouts.

"You're just mean." She comments, but I stop laughing and do my signature smile which always melts any girls heart.

"You think that, that puppy dog smile will do anything to me?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"How can you be unaffected by the Balor smile?" I ask and grin again.

"It's not that pretty sunshine." She says with a smirk of her own.

But it soon falls and she stares at me wide eyed. She takes two steps closer and lightly touch my face.

I suck in a deep breath and her hand springs away.

"You have a cut just above your eyebrow." She says softly and I frown.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about it.

"Uh, yeah, no big deal. It is just a little scratch."  I mutter awkwardly and she takes a few steps back and lower her gaze.

"You should go get that checked out." She says and before I can respond, she's already gone.

I stand still for a few seconds, reeling from the very unorthodox, yet amazing conversation which played out now.

I can't comprehend that I never saw her before. I've been with her in NXT and I've seen her wrestle before, but it is as if I'm seeing her for the first time.

She is beautiful.

She has a bit of snarkiness, but overall she looks so delicate. Like a fragile rose, not ready to bloom and still staying closed.

But I can't fall for her. Not in any way and not again.

I'll get to know her, I have to know her, but just as friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

"You okay, Finn?"

There she is.

The girl who made me not wanting myself to fall in love.

The girl who didn't realize that she had my heart and broke it.

The girl who's absolutely oblivious to my feelings for her.

Standing in front of me is none other than Sasha Banks.

I gather myself and clear my throat.

"Sure, I'm good." I say still looking for the black haired girl.

"Then why do you look like a ghost?" She questions and raise an eyebrow.

"I just had a unusual collision."

Little did I know that this collision will have an impact on my entire life....


Give me your thoughts and constructive criticism are welcome ♥

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