chapter ten: How-To-Be-Non-Awkward

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Finn's POV.

"I can't believe that you two were alone, in our hotel room, with her half -no wait- fully naked, and you did absolutely nothing." Aj says, lifting up his weights.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to not stare at her towel covered body? I literally had to keep my eyes glued to my forehead to keep it from drifting south." I grumble with a sigh.

"Nothing prevented you from snatching the towel from her body." Aj replies in a singing voice.

"I'm not going to jump into bed with her when we've only had like two dates." I retort and continue my own weight lifting.

"Ahh, yes, two dates and no kisses. Two dates, which I may add was something teenagers do. I mean a carnival and a 'romantic' trip to the zoo?" He asks, clearly mocking me, so I throw my sweat covered towel at him. He merely swats it away and gives me a taunting grin.

"Fine, then what is an adult date?" I ask giving him a pointed look, accompanied by a glare.

"What do you know? Finn boy is asking me for love advice." Aj says, smirking and shoots me a wink.

"Shut up, Aj, or else I'm leaving." I mumble and roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay, let big brother Aj help you." He says and I can't help but to chuckle at his word choice.

"Where do I take her next, or more important what do I do next?" I ask and he puts his weights down and sit up.

"Well, firstly, the ice between the two of you are broken, right?" He asks and I run a hand through my hair and think.

"Uh, yeah, I think so..." I trail off and push all the awkward moments between us, to the back of my mind.

"If the atmosphere between you guys are anything like that uncertain answer you gave me, then we have a problem." He says and I sigh.

"Sometimes it is awkward at first, but as we progress through the, uh, encounters it becomes easier and more natural." I explain and Aj nods.

"Okay, first things first, we need to get rid of the initial weirdness." Aj says and walks over to the white board in the gym.

No one knows why there's a white board in a gym, but okay.

Aj writes with a black sharpie on the board. He makes a big circle with How To Be Non-Awkward written in the middle and lines coming out of the circle like a spider.

"Okay, first things first, we need to get rid of that stutter." He says and writes Stuttering at the first line.

"What stutter?" I ask frowning.

"That weird face you make when your awkward and then your sentences comes out like this." He says and clears his throat.

In a much higher pitched voice and an attempt on my accent Aj starts impersonating me.

"Uh, yeah, I-I think I like you B-Bayley, but I am n-not man enough to step up because I am a b-bit s-shy." He says and I try to stop my laughter, but I fail and start laughing.

"I don't talk like that and I do not stutter." I say adamantly and he surpresses a fit of laughter.

"Fine, number two, we have to get the both of you on the same wavelength." He says and writes Wavelength on the board.

"Uh, why? I think we are compatible." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Not compatibility, wavelengthy." He says and I narrow my eyes.

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