chapter twenty six: Always

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Bayley's POV

"Is she dead?" A high pitched girly voice asks.

"No, don't be stupid Lisa!" A deeper voice says.

"Lisa she's not dead, she's just sleeping and Adam, be nice to your sister." A more older, deeper male voice asks.

I lazily open my eyes and see four people standing in front of me. One is a small girl, probably around 5 or 6 six years old, there's also a man, a woman and the fourth person makes me do a double take.

He is probably 17 or 18, but he is an exact replica of Finn. Just not with the beard, but they look exactly alike. Same soft sky blue eyes and hell, even the same boyish grin.

That is when it hits me:

This is Finn's family.

"Oh my god." I mutter and stand up abruptly, trying to straighten myself out.

This is not how I wanted to meet them. Not like this.

"Hi, I'm Bay-" I start, but I'm cut off by his mother.

"You! You are the reason that my baby boy is in a coma! If he didn't go out with you, none of this would've happened!" His mom yells and I bite my lip, trying to force back the tears.

At least they don't know what really happened...
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for anything to happen to him." I manage to force out.

"Gina, calm down. It is not Bayley's fault." His father says in a soothing voice trying to calm his wife.

"Yes, it is. I told Finn that to date someone he works with isn't an option." She says clearly upset and storms off. Her husband, Finn's father, turns to me with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry about her behavior. It is nice to finally meet you Bayley. My son only said good things about you." He says and surprisingly hugs me.

I hug back and after a minute he goes after his wife after offering me another apology.

"Finn always said that you look like a princess when he talks about you. And then he never shuts up." The little girl, Finn's sister, Lisa says.

"I am far from a princess." I say wiping away the remaining tears as I sit next to Lisa on the uncomfortable hospital bench.

"I think you're a princess. You have pretty hair and a cool outfit." She says, gesturing to my ring gear.

I am unfortunately still in my ring gear since I came here directly after Raw which happens to be close to the hospital that they're keeping Finn.

"Thanks. I wrestle in this outfit." I say and she wrinkles her nose.

"What's wrestle?" She asks, but before I can answer, Adam, Finn's brother jumps in.

"It's what Finn doen on TV, Lisa." He says and she nods her little head making her dark brown curls jump up and down.

Lisa's father calls her over, leaving Adam and I alone.

"You know, my brother really loves you." He says, staring at me with an unreasonable expression.

"I know, I love him too, so much." I say and Adam narrows his eyes at me.

"I know what happened. Why did you cheat on him?" He asks lowly and I close my eyes painfully.

"Do they know?" I ask, gesturing to his parents.

"No. I thought that it would be Finn's choice to tell them, but you didn't answer my question." He says, giving me that same pointed look that Finn always give me. I sigh loudly and retell Friday's events to him.

"Finn is such an idiot. Why did he drive with that car?" He asks mostly to himself.

"I don't know, but it is my fault. If he didn't see what he saw then he would've been at home and not on his way to me." I say, putting my head in my hands.

"Bayley, look, Finn may be your boyfriend, but he's my brother and I know him better than I know myself. When he sets his mind to something no one can tell him otherwise. He made the decision to go after you, knowing that he is putting himself at risk." He says, when his parents wave him over. He gets up, but turns back to me.

"Just, don't beat yourself up over it. When Finn wakes up, you need to tell him everything and win his trust back. If you're honest with him, he'll understand." He says and offers me a hug.

Hugging Finn's brother, makes me want to cry, because of how he makes me feel like Finn's here, hugging me.

Adam pulls away and offer me one last grin and walks away.

I have to stop myself not to run after him and ask him to smile at me again, because that grin is 100% the same one Finn gives me everyday.

That grin is the one that makes my legs go wobbly and my heart racing frantically. I'd give up everything to see Finn smile again.

Absolutely everything


"Bayley, this isn't healthy." Alexa says, stifling a yawn.

"I don't care." I say and continue hitting the punching bag.

"Murdering a punching bag at 3 am, doesn't classify as normal." She says and rubs her arms due to the chill in the room.

"Lex, go back to bed." I mutter, ignoring her.

"No. I am staying. I'm not going anywhere until you come back to bed with me." She says and sits on the cold tiled floor.

"You can't sit there." I say, and stop with the punching .

"I'll get up once you agree to come with me." She simply states.

"I am staying here for a while. Please, Lex, just leave." I plead, but she stands firmly.

"I refuse to sit by and watch you destroy yourself! Bayley, get this into your thick skull. What happened to Finn is not your fault! You're not the one who put the keys in his hand and made him drive. You're not the one who sabotaged his car or who told him to drive a faulty car. That was his decision that he made, because he loves you. You can't keep on making it your fault. Finn wouldn't want you o do that." Lex basically shouts at me.

That is when it hits.

All the pent up emotions comes rushing through and I just cry.

I cry my heart out in the middle of the gym at 3 am with my best friend comforting me.

"It is going to be okay, Bayles. Finn will wake up and then you'll have the rest of your life to make it up to him. He loves you too much to just stay angry with you." She whispers as she holds me while I'm crying.

"You will get through this. Just like Finn will get through it. The both of you will find each other again. I promise you that." She says softly, while rubbing my hair.

"And do you know what the best part is?" She asks, but I shake my head.

"I'll be right here with you. If you want to cry, I'll be here and cry with you and hand you tissues. If you want to murder a punching bag, I'll be there with you, just at normal hours, though." She says and I laugh lightly.

"Just don't shut me out. I love you too much and I will do anything to help my best friend." Lex says and hugs me tighter.

"I love you too, Lex and thanks for dealing with me. You're the only one who can help me through this. Thanks for sticking with me." I reply the best I can with tears still running down my cheeks.

"Always, Bayles, always."

If it wasn't for this girl, I don't know where I'd be...


I kinda miss Finn...but the question is, am I good hearted enough to bring him back....

Much love Sasha-Lee ❤️❤️❤️

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