chapter fifteen: Who Are We Spying On?

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Finn's POV

"Can I just borrow your pen for a second?" I ask and the receptionist shoots me an irritated look before handing her pen.

"Thank you so much." I say and take Bayley's hand. I scribble on her wrist and add a heart and smirk at my handiwork.

"See, now you do have a tattoo of my name on you with a added heart as a bonus." I grin and she dissolves into giggles.

"Yeah, sure I'll be happy to keep it there forever, since it is so permanent." Bayley says sarcastically and I raise an eyebrow at her and give the receptionist her pen back.

"Don't you see? It is literally stuck on your wrist. It doesn't matter how much you wash it off, my name is imprinted onto you." I say definitely and carry my suitcase and hers to the rental car.

"Sure, Casanova." Bayley says, but I catch the small blush that is evident on her cheeks.

Just as we're about to get into the car to drive to the airport, we hear a familiar blonde shouting at us.

"Wait up!" Alexa yells as she runs towards us with her pink suitcase.

"I need a ride." She says out of breath and dumps her luggage into my arms. I take a few steps back because of the impact and Alexa just jumps into the car without a word.

"Sure, ride with us and here let me take your bag." I add sarcastically and Bayley smiles sympathetically.

"She probably won't say thank you." She says and blows me a kiss and gets into the passenger seat.


We get into the car and I start driving, thinking that it'll be a nice hour of silence before we get to the airport.

But boy, was I wrong.

Alexa just won't shut up. She keeps talking and talking and talking. She talks about the crappy room service, the so-called rude hotel personnel and now is probably the best part.

She is talking about Dolph.

"So, it is not working. Dolph is still a major player and since my part of the deal clearly worked out with Ba-"

"But you still need help with Dolph after helping me with my anger issues." I cut Alexa off since she was split seconds away from revealing our deal to Bayley.

"Oh, yeah right. And when are you and Aj going to do your part?" She asks pointedly, obviously referring to when we are going to talk to Dolph.

"Chill, Blondie, we'll get to get." I say, trying to calm the Ice Queen down.

"I'm so lost." Bayley inputs, looking between Alexa and I.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend just needs to remember that he still owes me." She says and I cough awkwardly and refrain from kicking Alexa out of the car.

"He's not my boyfriend..." Bayley says softly and I shoot Alexa a glare.

"Well, this is awkward..." Alexa voices, leaving me with a single thought.

She is never, ever, driving with me again.


"See you at the arena?" I ask Bayley when I helped her and Alexa unload their luggage into their new hotel room.

"Yeah." She says softly and in a split second decision, I kiss her again.

"Bye Bayley." I whisper and walk down the hall to my own room.

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