chapter twenty seven: He's back

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Bayley's POV

(2 months later)

"Bayley to belly! Do we have a new Raw Woman's Champion?" Michael Cole says as I pin Charlotte and become the new Raw Woman's Champion.

My music plays and I laugh and hold my title.

I did it.

I raise my title in the air and laugh. I finally won my first title and it feels damn good.

When I reach backstage, Lex immediately hugs me. I grin and return the hug.

"I am so proud of you." She says and I smile.

"Thanks Lex." I say and Sasha approaches me with a mic. She's probably going to interview me, since she does interviews backstage while she's pregnant

"Congratulations, Bayley. How does it feel to be our new Raw Woman's Champion?" She asks and I grin.

"It feels incredible. I mean, I worked so hard for this. All the sweat, blood and tears is worth it. Holding this title, means the world. I can't even put into words how much this means to me." I say, smiling.

"Thanks for answering and congratulations once again." She says and then the cameras turn off. Sasha hugs me and I laugh lightly.

"I can barely reach you, due to the little baby getting in the way." I say and she chuckles.

"Yes, the little guy or girl keeps on kicking." She says and I rub her belly.

"Wow, that's great." I say and when Seth calls her, she says goodbye and I walk over to Alexa.

"Are we celebrating later tonight?"She asks with a grin.

"No, I am catching a plane." I say, purposefully not saying where I am going.

"Are you going to see him again?" She asks, with a disappointed frown.

"So, what if I did?" I ask, ignoring her gaze.

"Bayley, this flying up and down isn't healthy. Finn isn't going to wake up anytime soon and you need to accept that and move on with your life." Lshouts and I shake my head.

"He will wake up soon. I'm sure of it." I reply softly, but she glares at me.

"You need to stop putting your life on a permanent pause because some guy is in a coma. Move on, Bayley!" Lex yells, but I shake my head.

"It's my fault, Lex! If he didn't go after me that night, everything would've been fine. I'm not going to move on until Finn wakes up so that I can make it up to him. I don't care what you think. All that matter is that Finn wakes up and that I am there for him!" I shout and turn around, ignoring the stunned blonde behind me.

"Bayley!" She shouts, but I keep on walking.

I am going to see Finn, whether she likes it or not.


"Plane 456 to Dublin Ireland will land soon. Please fasten your seatbelts."

I yawn and stretch myself, as I fasten my seatbelt. Finn's parents decided to bring him back home. What they don't know is that I've been visiting him almost every week  for the past two months.

I told the hospital staff that I am his fiancé. Luckily they didn't question it, since Finn's brother was kind enough to add my name to the visiting list.

After catching a cab, I stop at the hotel which I always use when I'm here. The receptionist, who knows me already, gave me the room key for the same room I've been using for the past few weeks.

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