chapter thirteen: Love Lessons And No Signals

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Finn's POV

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads!" I hear the sound or should I say cold hiss of the ice queen herself.

"Go away!" I hear Aj mumble and I push my head further into my pillow.

"We need to get to a lesson and it is already 7am and I told you to be in the gym at 6:50." Alexa says and I groan.

"It is way too early to be awake." I grumble, pulling my blankets closer.

"Well, you do have a date with Bayley at 1pm, if I'm not mistaken, so get your ass out of bed and move." She commands, pulling the blankets off of me.

"You're evil, you know that?" I ask and eventually stand up. On the way, I pull Aj out of bed as well.

"You're with me in this." I say and he groans loudly.

"I hate being your only friend." I hear him grumble.

"Suck it up." I reply and go into the bathroom.

I really hope that I will survive the torture of the Ice Queen.


"So, basically what Bayley looks for in a guy is a strong, bold and confident aura. She is that kind of girl who looks like she wants to be saved, you know the typical damsel in distress, but deep down she just wants a guy to hold her hand and help her through the process of saving herself. Metaphorically speaking." Alexa explains while I'm staring at her with a blank look and I'm pretty sure Aj's face mirrors mine.

"I have absolutely no idea what you just said and I'm not even drunk." I say honestly without blinking.

"Aj, please tell me you got it?" She asks desperately.

"Uh, would you be mad if I said no?" He asks grimacing.

"You guys are idiots. How can I help you with Bayley, if you can't grasp the basic concepts of endearment and love?" She asks frustrated.

"This is beyond bullshit. I'm done." I say and stand up.

"Sit." I command and Alexa begrudgingly takes a seat next to Aj.

"Let me show you how it is done. Firstly, what is your main problem with Dolph? I mean, you're smart, snazzy, bold enough to stand out and definitely beautiful-" She rolls her eyes at that, but still smiles slightly. "So what is your main objective? Why didn't you act on your infatuation yet?"

"It is just that I am not sure how he feels. He keeps on sending me mixed signals and to be honest, he looks like that typical player. I just don't know if he actually wants a relationship." Alexa says staring into space.

"Well, Dolph is a player. I heard him say once in the locker room that he always goes for the difficult girls and how fast he can get them in bed." Aj comments and I shoot him a glare, refraining from throwing him with my empty coffee cup.

"Dude, shut up!" I hiss and the color drains from her face.

"You're right, he's probably just bad news. Sorry for wasting your time. Let's just focus on Bayley." She says, trying to hide the hurt.

"No, I'm going to help you. If what this asshole-" I shoot a glare at Aj when I said that. "-said is true, we'll find out."

"How?" She asks already excited.

"We will find a way that is not too obvious to find out what his intentions are with you. I promise." I say and she smiles.

"Thanks, but back to Bayley now." She says and pushes me back on the chair.

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