chapter fourteen: The Rustling Of The Wind And Crickets Chirping

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Bayley's POV.

"So, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere with no signal, no idea where we are, with McDonald's and wine I got on the way and it's all my fault." Finn states rather bluntly and I grimace.

"It's okay, we'll find our way back. I mean, there has to be a small town or something close by?" I suggest and he stares at me with an unreadable expression.

"How are you not mad at me? How can you be so damn calm?" Finn asks and I shrug.

"Would good would it do if we start blaming each other? And besides, I think your gesture is pretty cute." I say offering him a what I hope is a consoling smile.

"You're... Lik perfect." He sighs and I flip my hair dramatically.

"I try." I say and we burst out laughing.

"Now, I don't know about you, but I'm starving." He says reaching towards the door.

"Let's eat then." I say, but he stops me.

"I have a plan." He says excitedly.

"Which is?"

"Just give me a second." Finn turns the ignition and makes a left. We drive on a gravel road and after a few minutes, he stops at a small patch of ground next to the road which is surrounded by rocks.

Which makes it sort of secluded from the rest of the road.

"Now we eat." He grins and gets out. I follow him and help him unpack the takeout and wine bottle.

"Cold McDonald's and warm wine. Why does this feel so familiar?" I ask, pretending to think.

"I don't know. It kind of reminds me of our date at the zoo." Finn replies while studying my face intently.

"That was quite something. I mean the cool crocodiles and the escaping penguins? It was unforgettable." I say, looking into the distance.

"Yeah, it was pretty exciting." He says munching on a fry.

"So what's the game plan for getting out?" I ask sipping on the warmish wine.

"Well, we just have to take the road back. I mean, if we follow the road back, it is supposed to lead us home, right?" He says and I nod.

"Yeah, I guess."


"I'm almost certain that I already saw that tree a few times now..." I say with a grimace.

"Did you? I mean, there's a lot of trees here." Finn says frowning.

"It has that weird crooked branch." I point out.

"Okay... I shamefully admit; we're lost." Finn groans and lean his head against the steering wheel.

"It's okay, we'll find our way back, eventually..." I say and he shoots me an are you serious look.

"Come on." I say and get out of the car.

"Bayley! Where are you going?" Finn asks as I start walking in the road.

"I just think that we need fresh air to clear our navigating brains before we continue." I state and Finn lightly shake his head in disbelief.

"You do realize that it is completely dark outside?" He asks with a teasing grin.

"Yeah, well, I have a strong guy to protect me, so I'm good." I say with a wink and he grins and falls into step with me.

"Look, the clouds are gathering together. It is probably going to rain soon." Finn comments and I laugh.

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