chapter four: Late Night Sushi and Acquaintances

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Bayley's POV

"Poor Finn." I say, staring at the TV screen.

"Yeah, he looks tired and well, terrified." Alexa comments while she's munching on popcorn.

Finn is currently in his match against Braun Strowman and let's just say that he's on the verge of passing out.

He looks awful to say the least.

"At least he goes out in style. That blue ring gear looks divine on him." Alexa says, staring at him.

For some weird reason, a very, very, very tiny feeling unsettles in my stomach, but I brush it off and continue watching.

"Yeah, it looks nice." I remark and lean against the couch.

My match against Nia Jax finished and I decided to come back to our hotel room. Alexa was off for tonight, so we decided to stay and watch the rest of Monday Night Raw here.

"Soooo, what are we eating tonight?" She drawls, already bored with her popcorn.

"I don't know. There's that sushi place a few blocks over?" I suggest and she scrunches her nose in disgust.

"I hate sushi." She states and waves it off, just as Finn loses.

"Poor guy." I say and she nods sympathetically and then a moment later turns to me.

"Pizza down the road?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Too many carbs. I need to tone it down a bit." I say and she sighs loudly.

"Are you serious? What do you want, besides sushi?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, raw fish?" I suggest with a smile and she throws a pillow at me.

"That is sushi, you butt." Lex says and rolls her eyes.

"Okay what about this: You get your pizza or whatever and I will get my sushi and we eat it in the park or whatever?" I ask and she contemplates for a moment and then sighs.

"Fine, let's get dressed."


"See you in 20 minutes back here?" I say, gesturing to the isolated park.

"Yeah,but are you sure you'll be fine alone? The way to the sushi place is dark and you're alone and my pizza place is literally just over there." Alexa says, pointing to the pizzeria.

"Yeah, I'll be fine and besides if someone tries to grab me, I'll know how to put the guy in a sleeper hold." I shrug and I see the doubt in her eyes.

"I'll text you the moment I step in and out of the restaurant, okay, Lex?" I say and she reluctantly agrees.

"Fine, but you text me immediately. As in the split second you arrive there." She says with a serious look and I mock salute her.

"Just go, you idiot." She laughs and we go our separate ways.

I walk and place my hands into my hoodie's pockets. Lex wasn't kidding when she said that the streets are empty. It is absolutely isolated.

Well, it is 11:30pm what did I expect?

I sigh loudly and continue walking and just observing the night sky. The road is quiet and I swear that I just heard a cricket chirp.

As I'm walking, I hear footsteps from behind me. Immediately I tense up and clench my hand into a fist.

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