chapter twenty-three: Alexa Will Kill Us

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Bayley's POV
Very important A/N at the end!!! Please read!!!
This past two months with Finn has been amazing.

Ever since he formally declared his love for me on live television, he treated me like a goddess. I am so lucky to have him in my life. Although I do think that it involved Lex threatening him a bit, but nevertheless, my life is a never-ending honeymoon phase and I never want it to end.

I am so in love with him, it completely fills my whole being.

And the best part?

He feels exactly the same.

"So, considering everything I told you, what do you think should I do with Dolph?" Lex asks as she is painting my nails a deep purple colour.

"Well, why don't you just tell him how you feel? I mean, he obviously likes you and you like him, so what's the problem?" I ask her and pop a fry in my mouth.

"I can't just go up to him and ask him what he wants with me...or maybe I can, but I don't want to look needy." She sighs and finish my last nail.

"Well, didn't AJ and Finn tell you that he likes you? Oh and by the way, it looks pretty." I say, blowing on my nails.

"How dumb are you? I know that he likes me, I just want to know where we stand. We're in that awkward, I like kissing and flirting with you, but we're not something yet-phase." She replies and now it's my turn to sigh.

"Well, you do have enough attitude and sass to ask him where you guys stand..." I trail off and Lex rolls her eyes.

"You giving terrible relationship advice is like telling Finn not to creepily stare at you with googly eyes. None of it is ever going to stop." She comments and points to the door.

I turn around and see Finn leaning against the door with a dimpled grin on his face.

"Hey gorgeous." Finn says with a wink and I blush.

"I'm leaving, before I throw up." Lex says and walks to the door, but I shout her name.

"Remember that we are going to Sasha's pregnant party! So need to be back in a few!" I yell and she nods in agreement and walks out.

Yup, Sasha and I are on pretty good terms. I apologized for shouting at her, but she didn't even mind. We talked and everything is cool now.

Literally nothing can go wrong.

"Do you have to go?" He asks with a pout and falls next to me on the bed.

"Yes! I can't miss this, it's important to Sasha." I say and he leans closer.

"Aren't I important?" He asks with a puppy dog face.

"Yes you are, but we can hang out tomorrow." I say and he shakes his head and start to plant kisses on my neck.

"Can't I seduce you to make you change your mind?" He asks against my neck and I giggle.

"No, Finn, stop!" I laugh and push him away, but he pulls me with him and I fall on top of him.

"I like this position." He says with a suggestive smirk followed by a wink.

"Finny, stop." I say and kiss him for a second, but he grips my waist firmly and passionately kiss me back.

I pull away for breath and look into those soft sky blue eyes.

"You're definitely staying to resume last nights events..." He trails off and needless to say, my face turned bright red.

"Lex will kill both of us and-" I start, but get cut off by a pillow hitting the side of my face. I jump off of Finn and see an angry blonde staring at me.

"Yeah you're right. Both of you will be dead before anyone realizes that you're missing." Lex warns with that normal icy glare.

I swear that she'll freeze someone with it, one day.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." Finn says and stands up. He kisses me briefly one last time and probably to spite Alexa, he kisses her cheek.

"Just leave lover boy." She says, but I catch the small smile on the corner of her mouth.

He blows me a kiss and Lex rolls her eyes and shut the door.

"Let's get ready!" I yell excitedly and she just shake her head and laugh.


Finn's POV

I sigh loudly as I am walking from Bayley's hotel room. I officially have nothing to do.

Bayley is going to Sasha's party, AJ is not here in Vegas, he's at home and I am alone.

And more importantly, I'm bored.

"Yo, Finn!"

I turn around and see Dean running towards me.

"Dean, what's up?" I say and do the half handshake hug on him.

"Are you joining us later tonight for clubbing? I know that Bayley is also at Sasha's thingy and us guys want to go out?" He asks and I mentally start dancing.

"Yeah, sure, I'm in." I say and he smirks.

"Great, I'll text you with the details and if Sasha asks, don't say anything, Seth still need permission." He jokes and I laugh and we say goodbye as he goes in the opposite direction.

I walk outside and look for my car. When I see it, I see Sasha absentmindedly texting and walking. At first I think that I can scare her, but for a pregnant woman, it's probably not the best idea.

After almost losing Bayley, I realized how stupid I actually was to pine after her. I was never in love with her. My heart is where it belongs.

With Bayley.

I look up and see Sasha staring at her phone and then frowns and walk faster to her or well, Seth's car.

Just as I am behind her, she trips and goes toppling to the ground. My eyes widen and I immediately wrap my arms around her to catch her. She looks up at me with a grateful look.

"Sasha! You need to be careful! You have a baby inside of you, so texting and walking isn't an option anymore!" I exclaim worried and help her upright.

"Yeah, I know, I just didn't see that random rock in the middle of a parking lot. But thank you so much, you literally saved two lives." She says with a relieved smile.

"No problem, I want Baby Rollins to be in one piece, so you falling isn't going to help that." I say with my normal grin and she laughs.

"Aww that's so sweet of you, but where are you off to?" I asks.

"I'm picking up Bayley for a date. So I actually need to go." I say, letting the lie slip easily since Dean told me not to say anything.

"I'm really glad that things worked out between the two of you." She says and unknowingly, a smile comes onto my face at the mention of Bayley.

"Yeah, me too." I say contentedly and offer her a last goodbye and run off to my car.


This was more of a filler chapter, but the next chapter is full of drama!! I'm already working on it and I am looking to post it tomorrow❤️❤️❤️

But onto more important business. What do you guys want to see next in my WWE fanfiction series? I am thinking of writing a new one once I finish TDM, but I don't know about who? Please let me know who do you want to read about?

Much love Sasha-Lee❤️❤️

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