chapter seventeen: Hidden Art Galleries

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Finn's POV (the winner 😁😁)

"You like it?" I ask with a hopeful glint in my voice.

"I can't believe it. Is this an art gallery?" Bayley asks, looking absolutely stunned.

"Yeah, I kind of discovered it when I researched this place. It is an underground art gallery for unknown artists trying to make a name for themselves." I explain and Bayley completely gushes at the different paintings, sculptures and murals.

"How did you even get us in here?" She asks, sending me an over excited smile.

"I tracked down the owner and he said that it is the galleries night off since it is a Sunday. He was happy that people actually showed an interest so he just gave me the key." I shrugs, tucking my hands into my pockets.

"Just like that?" Bayley asks disbelievingly, but still unable to wipe the grin off of her face.

"I was surprised too, but then he told me that he's a big fan... So I kinda played the whole celebrity card." I say sheepishly.

"Of course you did, but what are we waiting for? Let's look around!" Bayley squeals, making me laugh at her antics as she pulls me towards the beginning of the display.

The first work is a mural of a black and white forest. It has long trees that is right next to one another with rays of sun coming through the cracks of each tree.

"There's something lonely about it." Bayley says, staring intently at the mural. "Whoever painted it, must have intense sadness inside of them."

"It's a her. Her name is Arielle Winters." I say, gesturing to the name in the bottom right corner of the mural. "Maybe her boyfriend broke up with her or something.''

"Maybe, but it seems like something more deeper than that. Like a hidden depression or a heightened level of loneliness." Bayley comments, falling into the poor girls spiral of depression.

"Let's move on, before you go in too deep. I don't want my girl to be sad the entire evening.'' I say steering Bayley away from the sad mural.

When I look at her, the sad look is off of her face, replaced with a giddy smile.

"I am having trouble deciphering what the hell this is." Bayley says bluntly as we stare at the very much abstract sculpture.

"It is a man with only the half of his face and a pointer finger on his lips." I comment and Bayley ducks her head in embarrassment.

"Totally knew that." She mutters under her breath.

"It is probably the whole idea of silence is golden. When you're not silent when listening to someone or just taking in your normal life lessons, everything will go by you in a flash and you'll miss all the little important details of life..." I trail off, staring at the hidden message between the clay of the sculpture.

Bayley moves forward and stands on her tip toes and kiss me. I tighten my grip on her waist and pull her closer. Her hands move through my hair as I draw small circles on her hip. She pulls away and leans her forehead against mine. As I stare into her deep brown eyes, I feel myself getting lost in her. I give her a final peck and move away.

"Let's move on." I say, lightly tugging on her hand. "The surprise isn't over."

"It's hard to believe that anything can top all of this..." She says and I shoot her a secretive wink.

"Well, then you Miss Bayley are in for the surprise of your life." I grin and she gives me a excited look.

We walk around the gallery further admiring the numerous paintings, sculptures and murals and other arty stuff. When I check the time, I see that it is almost time for Bayley's big surprise.

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