chapter eight: Sasha x Finn.

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Finn's POV

(three years ago)

It is my first day and I am lost.

Like literally, lost.

I don't know where the Performance Center is and my training session starts in 15 minutes. I walk down the stairs and look around for a sign or anything to direct me in the right way.

As I'm swiftly walking, I round a corner and bump into someone. The person topples and grips onto me, but I can't keep my balance and we're both crashing down.

"I am so sorry." I rush out and help the girl recollect her things.

"No, it's okay, I didn't look where I was going." She says and I stand up and extend my hand towards her.

She gratefully takes it and I help her up. When I look into her eyes, I'm met with the most beautiful brown orbs staring back at me.

"I'm Sasha." She says shaking my hand that she's still holding.

"Finn, I'm new here and lost for that matter." I say sheepishly and she grins.

"Oh, I heard we're getting a new guy here in NXT. Where are you supposed to be?" She asks with a soft smile.

"The Performance Center, but I'm 100% sure that I went past this staircase a million times." I say and she laughs.

"Yeah, it can be confusing the first few days. I'm actually on my way to the Performance Crnter. Walk with me." She says and I nod gratefully and follow her.

"So, Finn, what's your story?" She asks once we're walking.

"Well, I've been in the States for a few years now and I'm originally from Ireland. I like vanilla milkshakes and I hate chocolates." I say and her eyes widen.

"No way. How is it possible for someone not to like chocolates?" She asks dumfounded.

"I just... I don't know, it is just genetically modified beans with a nice flavor." I shrug and she shakes her head as we reach the Performance Center.

"I can't believe this. Wait for me when you're done. We will go on a mission to find your favorite chocolate bar. Cause there's no way that you don't like chocolate." Sasha says with a pointed look.

"Okay, but goodluck with that, because I don't think that you'll be successful in this." I say and she shakes her head.

"You'll see Finn, I succeed in everything and anything." She says and I laugh and we go our separate directions.


(two years ago)

"Finn, come dance with me!" Sasha shouts while she's dancing on the bar.

"Sasha, I really think that you should come down." I try to convince her, but she shakes her head and continues dancing.

I sigh loudly and forcefully grab her waist and pull her down. She pouts at me and I help her out.

We stumble out or well, Sasha stumbles out and I hold her upright.

"You're no fun." She pouts and I sigh.

"You'll thank me tomorrow." I say and we walk to the hotel. I help her to her room and once we're inside, I set her down on the couch. I get her a glass of water and she drinks it.

"I'm not tired, so don't force me to sleep." She says immediately and I roll my eyes

"Fine, I won't. So what do you want to do?" I ask sitting across from her.

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