chapter two: Unexpected Texts

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Bayley's POV.

As if you're not the creepy weird girl already, you just had to touch his face!

I mean who does that?

You are so stupid for doing that.  You don't even know Finn really. All you really do is stalk him on Instagram and watch his matches.

That is all. Nothing further. Zilch, Nada, nothing!

I can't believe that I actually touched Finn Balor's face. That is beyond strange.

You are an absolute idiot.

"And as if I'm not weird enough, I'm talking about myself in third person!" I exclaim and face palm.

"Believe me, you can't get any weirder than this." My best friend, Alexa Bliss says as she's eating ice cream on the sofa in our hotel room.

"I'm glad that you are finding my misery so amusing." I groan and flop next to her. I grab her spoon and start eating her cookie dough ice cream.

"Well, tell me what's wrong. After you return my frozen goodies and get your own." She smirks and I roll my eyes and stand up and grab chocolate ice cream for me.

"I am an idiot." I say and fall down next to her again.

"I gathered that, but why?" She asks licking her spoon.

I retell the events of last night to her and the entire time she keeps a straight face. After I'm done she narrows her eyes and bites her bottom lip, an act which shows that she is busy thinking.

"Any input would be nice?" I prompt and she fully turns to me.

"I don't get why you're embarrassed. Sure it was a weird ass move to touch his face, but if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. He probably forgot about it already." She says honestly and continue eating.

"You think?" I ask frowning a bit.

"Positive. You're the one who's over analyzing it. Just go with it. If he talks to you again, just refrain from touching him." She adds and then my phone buzz with a text.

I pick it up and when I see the text, I frown. It from an unknown number and it only says Hi :).


"Yeah?" She asks.

"Do you know this number?" I say and show her the number plus the text.

"It doesn't look familiar, but wait let me check if I have the number." She says and types the number into her phone.

"Oh." She says raising her eyebrow.

''Oh what? " I ask and gesture for her to go on.

"It is Finn's number.'' She says and my eyes widen.

"No way. Are you serious?" I whisper shout and she nods and shows that the nunber on her phone matches mine.

"Why would he text me? I really thought that I grossed him out with the whole touching thing." I add frowning at my phone screen.

"Maybe he found it cute, but you'll never know unless you text back and find out." She urges me on and I sigh.

"You're right. What should I say? Hello with a smiley or Hey with an exclamation mark?" I ask and Lex sighs and grabs my phone and types away.

"Lex! What are you saying? If you are going to make me look stu-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Bay, I got this. Chill." She says and I narrow my eyes at her while she's furiously typing away.

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