Chapter 15

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"MOM CAN YOU DRIVE ME TO SCHOOL?!" I yelled from upstairs as I brushed my hair. Usually, in the mornings, I'm on a schedule. I wake up at 7 a.m. and have exactly an hour to get to school.

I started packing my backpack. I ran to my closet and picked up a white T-shirt and blue Levi's jeans and started getting dressed.
I grabbed my Doc Martens shoes and ran downstairs.

"Mom!" I shouted again when I arrived downstairs. I put my stuff on the floor and started walking towards the kitchen.
She was standing there and holding her hand on her ear. She was talking on the phone.

"Mom," I said in a calm tone.

She turned around. "I'll call you back. Okay?" she said on the phone. I wonder who she was talking to.

"What's up darling?" she said. I could see something was wrong. I've never seen her like that. Or maybe I haven't noticed.

"You want breakfast?" she said and looked at me with her unbelieve smile.
"Yeah sure. But I was wondering if you'd drop me at school?" I asked her as I passed her to the fridge and took some toast. I took a toaster from the cabinet next to the microwave and placed it on the table and put the toast inside.

"What happened to him?" she said as she took a sip of her coffee and grabbed her papers from the table.
"To who?"
"Mom who's Gordon?"
"Your car."
"Oh my god mom. For the last time, it's not Gordon, it's Georgie."

I let a small laugh get out. She started laughing too. My toast popped out of the toaster.

"And there's no gas in it, "I replied quickly as I took a plate and placed the toast on it.
"Oh yeah. Okay. But we'll have to get out of the door in 10 minutes. Okay?" She said and I nodded.

She grabbed her coffee and her phone and walked out of the kitchen.
I grabbed a mug and poured some milk into it. I took some cocoa powder and put some in the mug and started mixing it.

After that, I placed the mug in the microwave and waited for a while. I grabbed my hair and put it in a ponytail.
While the hot chocolate was in the microwave, I put some butter on my toast.
The hot chocolate was ready and so was my toast. I sat down at the dining table and started eating my breakfast.

I took my phone out of my backpack. I got a lot of texts from Nia.
I decided to call her and let her know that I had gotten a ride to school.

"Ready?" my mom said as she came back to the kitchen
"Yeah," I replied.

I gathered my stuff and walked to the garage and sat on the passenger's seat.
I mostly sit in the backseat because Ty used to say that only tall people can sit in the passenger's seat but little did he know, I enjoy sitting in the back.

Before I even realized, we had arrived at school. I thanked mom for the ride and I sling my backpack on my shoulder.

"Can somebody tell me why the answer is 5?" Mrs. Standall said. She is our substitute teacher in math because Mr. Smith is on vacation. She placed the chalk on her desk.

I turned my head down and kept sketching my drawing. Only a few people know about my drawings I doodle when I'm bored. This sketch was more about dancing this time. It was about the sparkle that I felt when I was on stage in Moscow. The finale pose I did.

Usually, I sketch flowers that I see from outside the window or some places I want to visit. It's the same thing when I'm dancing and drawing. When I'm drawing, I don't pay attention to the outside world or what people are whispering behind me. I just focus on what I'm doing at the moment.

"Miss Johnson. Care to answer?" she said. She did not have a nice smile curved on her face. Like the one, she had on her face when the class began.

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