Chapter 12

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Maddie's Pov

I woke up on Monday morning to my alarm going off. I really didn't feel like going to school today, but I knew I had to. I have to keep my grades up.

I got up and went to my bathroom to do my short morning routine. The lights in the bathroom were so bright that I had to squint a little before my eyes got used to the brightness. I put on just a little bit of makeup. Nothing too dramatic, just something to make me look a little more awake. So actually I did my normal makeup. 'Keep it easy and don't be cheesy' is my new motto.

After that, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I didn't really feel like having much to eat because my stomach hurt a little. I also had a mild headache. I decided to just drink a strawberry smoothie and eat an apple. I also took some aspirin for my headache.

When I had eaten my breakfast, I went back upstairs to my room and put some clothes on. Then I checked my phone.

'One new message'

I had a new message, I'll check that when I get to my car, I thought.
I ran to my car and I almost dropped every single one of my things I was holding in my hands. I got to my car and opened the message. It was from Mike.

Mike: So Maddie, are you coming to school today?
Me: Yeah, on my way!
Mike: Okay, good! I'll see u at school then. I also have ur jacket.
Me: Thanks I totally forgot about that. See ya!

Mike and I had been texting for the past week. All the time. We had gotten a lot closer even though we hadn't even seen each other. I don't really know what we are. I mean are we friends? I would like to think so. We are, right? But are we more than that? Argh, I don't know!

I started my car and started to drive to school. I had been driving for 10 minutes when my mom called me. I answered. Don't worry, I have one of those cars which connects to your phone by Bluetooth.

"Hi, mom!"
"Hi honey, are you on your way to school?" She asked with a weird tone on her voice.
"Yeah, why?" I asked, getting a little nervous.
"Oh, it's nothing serious!" She quickly said.
"Oh good! I was starting to panic already." I said and sighed with relief.
"I was just going to ask you if you ate the breakfast I made for you or did you not see it in the fridge." She said to me.
"Sorry mom, I didn't see it. I just made a smoothie for myself." I apologized.
"It's fine, honey. You can eat it when you get home from school."
"I will. Thanks, mom!"
"Okay, have a fun day at school, bye. I love you!" My mom said and I could hear the smile in her voice.
"I will mom. I love you too!" I said and hung up the phone.

When I finished the call with my mom, I was already at school. I parked my car and walked towards the school building.

Somebody grabbed me from behind. I was about to turn around to slap them until they spoke.

"FINALLY! I have been waiting the whole week for you to come back. It was so boring without you here."
"Nia, we saw each other yesterday!" I said and turned around to hug her.
"Yeah I know, but still," Nia said while hugging me back.

"Well how was the..." she paused her sentence and looked around to see if anybody could hear us. "Performance? You didn't really tell me much about that yesterday." She finally finished.
"It was good. I think it went really well. I twisted my ankle a little but it's fine now." I said while trying to remember something else from the trip that I hadn't told her yet.
"What?! But you are fine now, right?!" Nia asked panicking a little.
"Yes. Like I said Nia, I'm fine," I ensured her.

After our little chat, we went to our lockers that are almost next to each other. We took our books and started walking to class. Nia and I had our classes next to each other on Monday mornings.

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