Chapter 18

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I was just thinking about the date and Mike. I could still feel where he kissed me. Finally, at 3 a.m., I was just about to fall asleep when I realized that I messed up big time.

I quickly stood up from my bed and walked around my room hastily trying to find my phone.

I'm so going to die. I mean how could I forget about it. I groaned in frustration. This was not happening!


I forgot to tell Nia about the whole date and all. I'm so screwed... she is going to kill me, I thought. I quickly took my phone out and texted her.

Me: Hello my best friend in the whole wide world :)
Nia: Okay...what did you do?
Me: Well... I might have gone on a date with Mike and totally forgot to mention about it...

One minute
Two minutes
Three min-

I jumped when I heard my phone ringing. It was Nia.

"Umm... hey Nia..."
"Well hello to you too my best friend in the whole wide world," her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
"Look I can explain ever-" I was cut off by Nia shouting in my ear.
"YEAH YOU BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I cringed, she sounded really mad.
"I-I just forgot?" My tone sounding questioning.

"Look I'll treat you to ice cream and tell you all the details. How does that sound?" I asked her hoping that she wasn't mad at me anymore.

"Are you trying to bribe me with food?"
"Well... is it working?" I heard her laughing at the other end of the phone and I smiled.
"It's a deal then. BUT, this better be the last time you're forgetting to mention something like this." She had a very threatening voice and I gulped.
"This won't happen again."
"Okay then... Good night!"

The next week
Mike's Pov

I got home from school and mom was just making dinner. I usually never come this late home but the traffic was extra bad today. I smelled my favorite food, chicken pesto pasta. My mom is the best cook in the world. She can cook anything. And when I say anything, I mean anything. She always refrigerates food for us kids because she usually has long workdays.

"Mike! Where were you? I thought you were home already."
"The traffic was terrible. I've never seen it that bad."
"Well, that's because of the festival."
"What festival?"
"The festival of lights. It's outside the city in New Jersey."

My mom also knows everything. I can ask her anything and she always has an answer.

The food was ready and automatically Sophie woke up from her nap. I don't get it. She always wakes up when the food is ready. Like she could smell the food through her sleep. Max slogged to the table. He definitely had a rough day.

My dad was working in his office. He had a big case coming up. My mom yelled his name and he came slowly to the dining room while writing something on his iPad. He didn't stop the writing even though he sat down. We have a rule about not having any phones or tablets while we're eating.

We always eat dinner together as a family. It is actually the only proper time of the day when we all can be together. Max and I have school until 4 p.m. almost every day and we both have our own sports, I have basketball and Max has football.

Sophie is in the school and in the afternoon club until mom or dad picks her up and she has ballet. Mom is a cardiologist so she has many surgeries although she had a day off today. And my dad has his own law firm. So we definitely have to eat dinner together. At dinner, we catch up with each other and let others know about important events.

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