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Myya's POV

"I'm back bitches"! I yelled walking into the slightly lit tower Wade popped up clapping loudly. "Why are you clapping"? I asked him. "Don't you hear the audience"? He said. "I don't even understand". I said. "Well you coming back is almost better then my sequel". Wade said. "Coming back for a 2 month long mission, while Damian and Keke live it up in Paris"? I asked. "Sure...". Wade said. Wade and I walked in the elevator. "Man, it's awesome to be back"! I said. "Damn right". Wade said. We stepped out of the elevator. The Avengers were there waiting for me. "Shorty! We've missed you"! Pietro yelled. Everyone hugged me. "Aye, how life been"? I asked. "Same old, same old". Nat said. "I got juice"! I heard an all so familiar voice call. I turned around and saw Peter. He looked at me, I looked at him, basically an awkward staring contest. He smiled shyly at me, so let's recap.

Peter and I broke up before I left for the mission. I smiled and walked up to him. "It's good to see you Peter". I said. Sticking out my hand for him to shake it. Peter smiled wildly and hugged me, I stiffened and hugged him back. "I missed you so much Myya". He said. "Same". I said. We pulled away. Peter was a red blessing mess. Keke came in. "Hoe"! She yelled. "Bitch"! I said back. "How was the mission"? She asked looking at my bloody clothes and cut up body". "Fun"! I yelled. "Why are you yelling"! She asked. "Loud explosion". I said quietly. "Ok, so I know you don't like this topic. But we need to pick a college". Keke said. I groaned loudly. "Can't we just live off Tony's money until he dies"? I asked. "Excuse me"? Tony said. "Nothing I  love you". I quickly said.

"I was thinking Stanford". Keke said. "Naw, man I'm gonna do online college". I said. "But everyone agreed to Stanford, expect (Y/n) and Mark. They can't go to college cause ya know". She said. "So basically you, Peter, Damian. Cause I know Jacob going with (Y/n) and Senasia don't graduate to next year". I said. "Come on it'll be fun". She said. I looked to her then at Peter. I looked back at all the girls. "Meeting now please". I said. Wanda, Nat, and Keke followed me to my room. "I can't do it". I said. "What"? Wanda asked. "I can't go to the same college as Peter. I can barely stand being here"! I yelled.

"Man, well I mean, he broke up with you so... I guess you stay in your room forever until you die". Keke said rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I like that plan, that plan can work". I said. Nat sighed. "No! Woman up. Show him you don't care. Be his friend, then if someone flirts with him, kill them". Nat said. "I refuse to be a yandere". I got out my knife. "But I fucking will". I said. Wanda took the knife out of my hand. "No, no, just let him know you still love him. Damn what's up with you guys"? Wanda asked. "Stressful year". Nat said.

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