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(Myya's POV)

Things started falling out the hole landing on stuff. A car got hit and blew up beside us. I don't know what that shit is. "Peter move to the passenger"! I yelled. He moved and I started the car. "Ash, activate self defense mood". I said. My car started moving into self defense mood, a gun came out of the radio. And my car tuned into a tank sort of. "Here Peter". I tossed him the gun. I got another one from out of the door. Some green looking thing fell on my car. "What the fuck muffin"!? I screamed and ran over it. I parked the car into the garage and Peter handed me the gun. "Keep it, cause I fell like you're gonna need it". I said. We walked quickly to the living room. "That looked like Green Goblin". Peter said. "What ever that was, its more of them". I said pointing out the window to see hundreds of them with weapons, Peter and I walked to the elevator.

"What the heck is going on"!? Peter yelled. We got out the elevator and entered the living room. "Guys"! I yelled. They all looked at me. "Yeah"? Tony asked. "Have you guys but been outside"? Peter asked. "No. What's wrong with you two"? Steve asked. The news came on, and showed what was going on. "That's what's wrong damn it". I said. "What the fuck are those"? Sam asked. "Yeah, Peter I told you not to wear all stars". I said. "No, what are they. They're all green with octopus legs, and freezing the place". Sam said. "Did you just say freezing the place"? I asked. "Ice prince". I mumbled. I groaned. "Ok, Team suit up". Steve said. We all went to the locker room to get dressed. As we get dressed Steve told us the plan. "Myya, do you think you can do this"? Steve asked. "I'm still trained in comeback, street fighting, ninjutsu, and Avengers". I said. "Good we need you and Peter to get everyone to safety. And when done come to Nat, Bucky, Loki, and I. Everyone else in the air or on top of the buildings. And remember if you get hit, hit them harder. If you killed, walk if off". Steve said.

We all nodded and got into the helicopter. "So how was couple's therapy"? Tony asked. "Ok". Peter said. Everyone looked at me. I didn't say anything. Steve jumped out of the helicopter. "What even is a parachute"? Bucky said grabbing one. I jumped out, without a parachute. Peter right behind me using his webs to landed, and grabbed me so I could land safely on the ground. "Ok, you two go"! Steve said. Peter and I nodded and went to save people. Then it accrued to me. "Wait! Why the hell do I care about these people"? I asked myself. Peter answered. "Because you're an Avenger". Peter said. "Ugh, fine"! I groaned. A building was caught on fire. A saw a couple of kids. Some elderly people, and animals. Wait oh shit I gotta save the animals. I ran towards the building, and accidentally ran into the room with the elderly couple. "My bad wrong room". I said walking out. As soon as I was half way out I groaned, and looked at there fearful shaking bodies. "You two should get out of here there's an exit down the hall". I said.

"My husband, can't move"! The woman cried. "Ok, ok, calm down you go! I'll get bring your husband". I said. She nodded and left. I picked him up, he was surprisingly not that heavy, for limp old dude. Cause Steve weighed a lot. I carried him out to his wife, I stopped a man driving and had him take them away from here. I went back into the building looking for the animals and heard the screaming children. "God damn it"! I yelled walking towards the screaming. I saw kids a lot of them. "Where's your parents"? I asked. One pointed to a passed out man and woman. "Fuck". I groaned. Kids were crying. "Ok, ok. Hey you what's your name"? I asked. "Billy". He said. "Ok, Billy how old are you"? I asked. "10". He said. "Ok, can you lead you brothers and sisters out of here? You're the oldest right"? I asked. He nodded. "Ok, there and exit down that hallway. Don't touch the door with your hands using your shirt". I said. He nodded and him and yelled other kids ran out. "Ok god, how am I gonna carry". I looked and saw a mattress. "That could work". I said. I picked up the mattress put the people on it and said the down stairs door. "Please don't tip over". I said. Ridding the mattress down the stairs with the passed out people. I opened the door and dragged them out and away from the burning building. I ran back in and heard a woof then arr. My eyes widen. I ran up and saw the dog, oy was hurt pretty badly, it's leg was stuck under a big piece of roof. I used all my strength to get that dog. The fire came down blocking thr exit. "Aww, fuck me"! I yelled groaning. I looked at the window. "Fuck it"! I yelled jumping out the window the building blew up. I ducked and rolled thankfully landing on a bunch of fruit.

"Damn, this bitch exploded". I said. The dog whined. "It's ok". I said rubbing her head. I looked around and saw Peter. He was helping a woman out of her smashed car. "Spidey"! I yelled he looked at me. The woman ran off. "Where you just in that building"? Peter asked checking me for injuries. "Yeah, there a passed out man and woman over there with their kids and this dog needs medical treatment as fast as yesterday". I said. The man woke up and walked over. "Yo are you a doctor"? I asked. "No, my wife is". He said. "Take this dog, it's a girl. And when your wife wakes up tell her she needs medical attention". Peter said. "Fuck that". I said walking over and pouring water on the wife. "Can you fix this dog please. And get out of this area now"! I yelled giving her the dog. She nodded they all said thank you and ran away. "We're done here". I said. Peter grabbed my waist and we swung to were Steve and our group is. They were fighting. I got out my swords and started swinging. Peter webbed down a lot of them letting me cut off there heads. "Welcome to the party". Nat said. "I don't like parties". I said shooting a green octo freeze thing,  I'm just gonna call G.O.F. I saw ice prince, Green Goblin, and Doc Oct. "Guys look"! I yelled they looked and saw they were actually controlling these things and the whole. "These, idiotic mortals are trying to copy me". Loki said. "Right". I said. "Spidey let's deal with dumb, dumber, and dumbest". I said. Peter nodded and shot webs at them. "Yo, its me ya girl. The person that gonna end your life for taking her powers". I said. "I told you it'll work". Doc Oct said to them. "Only temporary". Peter said. "Yeah, so if I was you I'd just go a head and go to jail". I said. Goblin frowned. "You said it was permanent"! He yelled. "It's is the antidote is right here" Doc Oct said. I looked at it an took it. I drunk it. Then I felt a ray of light. "God damn you, stupid! Last time I work with others". Ice prince said. My eyes turned black. "Wow, you guys are dumb". I said. I snapped my finger and all the G.O.F where dead. The Avengers sighed in relief. "Stop that hole"! I yelled at them, I grabbed Doc by his neck. "I can't stop it". He said. "Oh my fucking god"! I yelled. "Stark bring it in... Again". Steve said. Tony came flying in with a bomb this time he didn't go inside it hole cause ya know. We upgraded. The hole the blew up, and so did the G.O.F. "Ya know Ele we could of had something special". Ice prince said. Peter glared at him and webbed his mouth so he shut up. "I never went out with him, I never went out with you". I said. The cops came and took all three of them. They looked at me, guns out. "Elementress"! One yelled. "Oh, hi guys". I said. One of them shot me in the arm. "Ow, you bitch"! I yelled. "Hey"! The Avengers yelled. "Get the hell away from her"! Tony yelled. The police officers backed up. I threw a smoke bomb and was gone.

Adopted by the Avengers x oc part 2Where stories live. Discover now