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Peter's POV

"What are they talking about Friday"? Mr. Stark asked his AI. "Stark, stop trying to be noisy. Curiosity killed the cat". Steve said. "Satisfaction brought it back". Mr. Stark said. "Man, Well I mean, he broke up with you so... I guess you stay in your room forever until you die". I heard Keke say. "Yeah, I like that plan, that plan can work". Myya said. I heard a sigh. "No! Woman up. Show him you don't care. Be his friend, then if someone flirts with him, kill them". Nat said. "I refuse to be a yandere". I heard Myya say "But I fucking will". I heard her say after a moment. "No, no, just let him know you still love him. Damn what's up with you guys"? I heard Wanda asked. "Stressful year". I heard Nat say. Are they talking about me? I listen some more. "Forget about Peter, Damian can hook you up with Jon Kent". I heard Keke say. "Superboy"? Myya asked. "How the fuck yo dumb ass gonna ask me? You the one who meet him in Gotham for that one mission with Damian". Keke said. "Ok, ok damn bitch. Call em up". Myya said. My heart broke, after all this time she still liked me.

Friday cut off. Everyone looked at me, my eyes watered, from sadness my face turned red, from anger and embarrassment. "Kid"? Tony asked. I grabbed my jacket and left. Why did I break up with her? What made my life so complicated? I wish she didn't leave for that stupid freaking mission. None of this would happen, we'd still be together happy. I angrily kick a rock, then I hear a car alarm go off. I quickly went to see what other was. Someone was trying to break into a car. I snuck away to change and came back the person and the car was on the move. I swung to catch up with the car. I landed on the roof and, the person female. Had gotten a gun and viciously started shooting the roof. I quickly went and stuck to the side of the car, she shot at the window I was at and I quickly moved to the other side. I punched the window out and crawled threw, the woman pointed the gun at me. I webbed it away and threw it out the window she began to throw punches at me. "What's your problem lady"!? I yelled grabbing her fist, she elbowed me in the no no spot. I groaned. "That's gonna go straight to my stomach". I groaned.

I webbed her hand to the steering wheel, and knocked her out cold. I grabbed the wheel and the whole car freaking flipped. "Agh! This is why Myya never wanted me to drive". I said crawling out from the damage with the woman in my hands. The car happened to be full of illegal weapons, and a lot of drugs. "Thank you Spiderman". The police offer said taking the cursing woman away. I looked at the illegal weapons, drugs, and the cursing lady. I sighed and smiled under my mask, then frowned all of this just reminded me of Myya. I went home to aunt May, well first I changed. I angrily threw my mask to the floor. A tear rolled down my eye. Aunt May walked in. "Peter are you alright"? She asked hugging me. "I'm really not May". I say.

Adopted by the Avengers x oc part 2Where stories live. Discover now