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Myya's POV

I walked into the lair with Keke. My brothers look different with age bigger, gruffer, muscler, kinda scary. "Guys"! I shouted. Raph came out and smiled at me. "Hey sissy". He said. Pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Hey Raph"! I said trying breathe. He let me go. "Hey Keke". Raph said. "Wow, you look. Really different". Keke said looking him up then down. She looked at me. "Guys! Get in here Myya and Keke here"! Raph called out. Everyone came in and hugged me yeah gonna need new lungs. "So glad to see you dudette's". Mikey said. "What brings you here sis"? Donnie asked. "I don't know, Keke what brings me here"? I asked. "Myya and Peter getting married". Keke said. I looked at her shocked, the turtles were shocked to. "Since when"? Leo asked. "Yeah, since when"? I asked. "About 2 days ago". Keke said.

"We have to kill him". Raph said getting out hid si's. "I thought you to broke up"? Donnie asked. "Wait when did this happen"? Mikey asked. "About 2 months ago". Keke said. "When did you two get back together"? Leo asked. "They got back together 7 days ago". Keke said. "What"!? They all screamed. "I am so damn confused right now". I said. "Who said you could get married"? Raph asked. "Doesn't he have to ask us for permission"? Leo asked. "Who breaks up, gets back together and a couple days later gets engaged"? Donnie asked. "And where's the pizza"? Mikey asked. I had to sit down and just like, wow. "Ain't nobody getting married, I'm not even old enough to get married". I said. "What are you talking about"? Leo asked. "Peter was talking about marriage, after he gets a stupid building our whatever. And he was just going on and on about family and shit, so I started to freak out and the voices wouldn't shut up". I said, they all sighed in relief. "I need a beer". I said holding my head. "Same". Raph said following me to the kitchen. I grabbed on and so did he. Leo just shook his head in shame. "You we need to go". Keke said. "Ok, bye guys". I said hugging them. And we left. "Grab my hand. We gotta leave New York. We going to Kansas". Keke said grabbing my hand and we were outside of Sam and Dean's bunker. She knocked on the door, and Cas answered. "Hey Cas". I said smiling at him. He looked at us confused, but hugged us. "Hello Myya, Keke". He said letting us in. I walked on and saw Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack.

"Hey guys". I said smiling. "Myya"? Dean said getting up hugging me. "How you been shorty". Sam said hugging me. "Hey Jack". I said. He hugged me. They went to hug Keke next. "What's up"? Sam asked. "Myya and Peter getting married". She said. "What the fuck"! I yelled. "Yeah, what"? Dean said. "You're not even old enough to get married, please don't tell me you're pregnant". Sam said. "Damn, Sam got yo soul"? I asked, offended. "Sorry". Sam said. "She isn't pregnant". Cas said looking at me. "The angel says no". Dean said. "Didn't you two break up, 2 months ago, I believe"? Cas said. "Wait, if you two broke up when did you get back together"? Dean asked. "Oh, they got together about 7 days ago". Keke said. "What the hell"!? Dean asked. "When did he ask you"? Sam said. "About 2 days ago". Keke said. "What the fuck is going on"!? I yelled. "You tell us"? Dean asked. "Peter never asked me to marry him he was talking about it, and I got a rep to protect". I said. "Thank dad". Cas said. "Don't thank god yet". Dean said. "So, as you can see Myya. People freak out about this type of crap. Like you did, so chill the hell out and let's go back cause I need to get to Gotham". Keke said.

"I see, damn". I said. I hugged everyone and Keke and I went outside and teleported into the tower. "I have to go, I'll be back for patrol, and I know why you're freaking out. If you want I could kill him". Keke said. I thought about this for a minute. "You know how we say, ain't nobody gonna kill us but one of us"? I asked. "Yeah, I get it. Same for demon- I mean Damian". She said. "Naw girl, you had that right at first". I said laughing. She laughed to and left. I went to my room and went in my closet. You know how Batman has his Batcave. I have my place to. I prefer not to let anyone see this. And you maybe wondering how I did this. Well Wade helps a lot. I went in and opened the latch and punished a button, I went behind my clothes rack and got in the elevator I made it down to my emo hang, what I call it. It's really dark but lit at the same time, its black, but it has way more room then the back cave. I have basically everything in here.

I went to my computer, this part I do thank Batman for cause he had Mr. Fox build this. It's a supercomputer I can track anyone from this, I have every superhero and villain data on it and then some. Plus it has plenty of game space downloading. Keke doesn't even know about this place no one does except Wade. And when you you get in here every tracking device, microphone, anything that people use to spy on you shuts off. And the best part about it, it has a coffee lots of coffee and weapons and a fridge. I looked at my computer and started playing games. Then my computer started dinging like crazy, I groaned. "Who the fuck is in my room"? I said out loud. I opened the camera in my room and the mic. "Myya"! Peter yelled looking for me. "I could have sworn I saw here come in here". Peter said checking my bathroom. He looked at the closet. "Ash shut down, make sure he doesn't find the door or the button"! I yelled to my AI. "Yes Myya". He said.

Peter walked in the closest. "Maybe she went to the training room". He said leaving. I let out a sigh of relief. I used the camera's that I put all over the tower, to spy on him. He went to the training room. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Clint. Was in there. "Has anyone seen Myya"? Peter asked. "No, you checked her room"? Clint asked shooting a target. "Yeah, she's not in there". Peter said. "Check the kitchen he might be cooking". Bucky said. "Yeah, ok". Peter said leaving. He walked to the kitchen. Wanda, Thor, Vision, and Pietro was there. "Has anyone seen Myya"? Peter asked. "You tried her room or the training room"? Wanda asked. "Yeah". Peter said. "You should try the library, her and my brother read in there"! Thor boomed. "Thanks". Peter said, taking the elevator to the library. I don't have a camera in the elevator, so I just watched the library camera. "Loki, have you seen Myya"? Peter asked. Loki looked up from his book at Peter glaring. "Have you tried the lab"? Loki asked. "No, thanks. Sorry for disturbing you". Peter said leaving. He walked into the elevator and I watched the lab camera. I saw Bruce and Tony working on something.

"Sorry to interrupt but have you seen Myya around"? Peter asked. "You asked Friday where she is"? Tony asked. "No". Peter said. "Friday Where's Myya"? Tony asked. "I do not know sir". Friday said. "She might be out of the tower". Bruce said. "No, she isn't. I can't find her, Keke said she was in her room and now she isn't". Peter said. I sighed angrily and got up I teleported outside the lab. "Hey guys". I said. "I looked everywhere for you". Peter said. "I was in my room". I said. "No, no you weren't that's the first place I looked". Peter said. "Did you look under the bed"? I asked. "Why would you be under the bed"? Peter asked. "Why wouldn't I be under the bed". I said. "How? Friday couldn't signal you in the tower"? Tony said. "Why are you lying to me"? Peter said. "I'm not lying, I'm just avoiding certain truth details". I mumbled that last part.

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