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(Myya's POV)

I walked in my room and I saw Wade butt naked. I looked him up and down, then walked out. "Nope". I said. Walking to the living room. "I thought you were going to bed lady Myya". Thor said. "Wade's naked. In my room, so I think the fuck not". I said. "Ew". Tony said. Wade came back out in my clothes, well boy clothes that happen to be in my closet. "Why you wearing my clothes, Wade"? I asked. "I got blown up. I was closer here". Wade said. "Why the hell you look better in that shirt then I did"? I asked him. "Cause I'm beautiful". Wade said Z snapping. "But you're not". Tony said. "Shut up Tony! Wade you gorgeous". I said. "Thanks MyMy". Wade said. "Wait, you don't have underwear on"? I asked. "Yeah I do, you know those boxers". Wade said. "Awe man Wade, I wear those"! I said.

"You wear boxers"? Keke asked. "I don't like panties". I said. "Why tho"? Keke asked. "Cause boxers are comfy". I said. "Man, whose the nigga in your relationship Peter or you"? Keke asked. "I don't know who you think I get the boxers from"? I asked. I winked. "Aye, even I have to say wow". Keke said. "Yo I lied to, I'm not wearing underwear". Wade said. "Don't want those pants back". I said. "Are we gonna talk about the fact Myya wears Peter boxers"? Wanda asked. "What about boxers"? Peter asked coming in. "I wear your boxers". I said. "You still do that babe"? Peter asked me. "Yeah". I said. "Ew, what the fuck"! Keke yelled. "You look so cute in them". Peter said. "Woah"! Tony said. "I thought you said you and Peter didn't fondue". Bucky said. "We didn't do anything, he brought some underwear I got them. He never wore them but they are he's". I said. "So how have he seen you in them"? Steve asked. "I walk around in them like there shorts". I said. "So you do wear panties"? Keke asked. "No, I wear underwear, I don't like the word panties". I said.

"I thought Spiderson got laid for a minute". Tony said. "Wade, baby, love, boy, my homie. Please return that hoodie, that's my favorite one". I said. "No problem, I should go before Vanessa gets worried". Wade said leaving. "I got to go to". I said. "Actually, I have somewhere to take you". Peter said. "Damn, I'm shocked as fuck. Where we going"? Keke asked. "Um... Myya and I are going out of town". Peter said flustered. "What"? I asked. "I actually um... Well Aunt May has this friend who owns a cabin. And I actually bought it out for 5 days". Peter said. "I'm shook". I looked at Peter. "I wanted to make up for everything". Peter said. "Ok, I'll go when do we leave"? I asked. "Wait hold up"! Keke said. "I wasn't asked, don't you need my permission"? Keke asked. "No, but you do need ours". Steve said. "Yeah, I'll go Peter. Ignore the fuck out of them". I said. "Great, I'll drive you"! Peter said. "Hold on, when did you get a car"? I asked. "I brought him one, it drives itself". Tony said. "Oh, thank god. Cause Peter cannot drive". I said. "Offended, it is self drove Karen drives it". Peter said. "Ok, I'll pack. After I come back from the.... Library". I said, leaving.

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