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Myya's POV

"Wow baby". I mumbled looking at the sexiest thing in the world. "Fuck I love you"! I mumbled giving him a quick kiss. "Are you seriously kissing your car"? Peter asked. "Yes, nigga. Do you mind I'm busy". I said washing my car. "No I don't". Peter smirked. I splashed some water on Peter. "Myya"! He yelled. He took off his shirt. "Damn should I give you money"? I asked taking out a roll of twenties. I started throwing money at him. He picked it up and happily kept it. "Wait I ain't gone get a lap dance? What type of service is this"!? I yelled. Peter laughed at me and I stuck the money pack in my pocket. "Do you just carry rolls of money with you"? Peter asked. "Yeah, and I still want my lap dace". I said. "Later". Peter said. "Wait I'm getting one for real"? I asked. "Nope"! Peter said. "But yo ass is so just wow". I said. "Do you have a butt thing"? Peter asked. "Do you have a spider thing"? I asked. "No". Peter said. "No, then nigga". I said.

"Ok". Peter said raising his hands in defense. "I called the crew over, there coming". I said. "When"? Peter asked. "Now". I said teleporting us to the living room and Peter had a shirt on, and I had different clothes. "What up MB"! Jacob yelled as him (Y/n), Mark, Senasia came in. "My nigga"! I said doing our hand shake. "What up guys"! I said. Ned and Michelle walked in. "What up"! I said. "Sup loser". Michelle said. "Hey Myya Peter"! Ned said. Ned and Peter did there thing. Keke and Damian walked in. "What up"! Keke said. "So the Avengers are gone"? Ned asked. "Yep, they left Happy to check in on us. But he just walks in glares at us and walks out". I said. "Mostly glares at me". Peter mumbled. "Let's play never have I ever". (Y/n) said. "How you play"? Senasia asked. "Ok, we feel up shot glasses with liquor and ask each other questions. Who ever answered the most questions and is drunk out of there mind loses". Jacob said. Everyone agreed. I got bottle of Vodka.

"No, Everclear"? Keke asked. "Can't, some of us can't hold liquor like the others". I said. I poured each glass. "I'll go first, never have I ever murdered someone". (Y/n) said. So everyone drunk but Peter, Ned, surprisingly Michelle. "Wow ok". Ned said. "Never have I ever had sex". Jacob said he took a shot and so did everyone but Peter, Ned, Michelle, Senasia, and me. "Never had I ever lied to someone". I said. Everyone took a shot. "Never have I ever been to jail". Peter said. Keke, Jacob, and me took shots. "Never have I ever been put into a mental asylum". Damian said. I was the only one who drunk. "Y'know I feel lonely". I said. "Never had I ever planed to kill one of my friends, take a sip for each one". Keke said. Taking one sip. "Just give me the damn bottle"! I groaned. Jugging it down. "I am slightly terrified". Ned said. "Never had I seen fifty shades of gray or red it". Senasia said.

Keke, Michelle and I took one. "I saw it". Keke said.  "Red it". Michelle said. "Both". I said. "Never have I ever, lied to by boyfriend". Jacob said. All the girls but Michelle took a sip. They all questioned us. "I didn't like that hat Jacob, that hat was fugly". (Y/n) said. "I didn't really like Titanic". Senasia said. "I saw Pets without you". Keke said. "Peter to be honest I should just name when didn't lie to you". I said. "Wow"! All the boys said. "Never have I ever watched porn, while my girl friends was in the same building". I said. Everyone of the boys. "Oh my god nasty". I said. "You asked the damn question". Jacob said. "Yeah, but it's like I'm surprised but I'm not tho". I said. "Never have I ever kissed someone while dating my boyfriend or girlfriend". Michelle said. Keke and I took a drink. "I have questions". Damian said. "It was a mission"! Keke said in defence. Peter looked at me. "It was that one time when I was 14 on a hunt with Sam and Dean, then when I was on a mission with Blue, and when I was on that mission for 2 months. Peter already know this tho". I said.

"I remember the hunt and the girl. But I didn't know about the other one". Peter said. "Wait rewind, play. You kissed a girl"? Keke asked. "She thought I was a guy and she kissed me all of them kissed me, I ain't kiss them". I said. "Yo, but you kissed that nigga Blue"? Jacob asked. "No! God no. He was sneaking secrets from a computer and I kissed the guard to give him time". I said. "Hoe". Keke said. "Yo as long ass I get some". I say. "You go from zero to a ghetto pimp nigga with holla for a dolla hoes real quick". Jacob said. "Never have I ever kept a secret from my bea". Mark said. "Why would I keep a secret from my car"? I asked. "No Peter". Keke said. "Oh, well actually no. I don't keep secrets from him". I said. "That's a whole lie". Keke said. "You kept more secrets then you do weapons". Jacob said. "Name one". I said. "You smoke, you drink". Mark said. "Everyone knows that". I said. "You didn't tell Peter above that blue mission". Jacob said. "I just did and plus I forgot. So don't count". I said. "You... Have secret love of babies". Keke said. Peter mouth dropped. "Wow! Keke just wow". I said. "So drink". Damian said. I drunk it. "I can't believe this. You said you didn't like kids"! Peter said. "She doesn't, after they turn 7 she's done". Keke said. "Wow ok, Keke no longer my best you been down graded". I said. "What I do"? Keke asked. "Peter has picked up this weird hobby, and I feel as if he didn't need to know that". I said. "My bad, text a nigga to stop. Look into my mind". Keke said. "You still best tho"! I said. we dabbed each other.

"Never have I ever planned for the future". Ned said. They all took drink but me. "I'm very concerned about all of you". I said. "So, you saying you never talked about anything"? Jacob asked. "I try to avoid those conversation, what's the point of planning if we all gone die any day anyway. So I just focus on what I'm doing now". I said. "Bailey your more depressing then Drake when he's been up for a week with multiple cups of coffee at 3 in the morning, that also sounds like something he'll say ". Damian said. "Tim knows what's up". I said. "Never have I ever wanted to time travel". (Y/n) said. Everyone took one. "Yo is it an old movie star"? Senasia asked us. "Yep. Young Leonardo DiCaprio". All the girls but me. "To go back to the day my parents died and kill them myself". I said. "Damn, can you get anymore depressing"? Keke asked. "I mean I can". I said. "My life is meaningless, I wanted to die ever since I was 6, the world would do better without me. And I love to piss people off, so me being alive, pisses off half of the human population. So I'm here". I said. "Your whole life is a turn off". Jacob said. "Suck a cock". I said. "Never have I ever killed a teacher". (Y/n) said. Keke and me drunk. "I think I killed two". I said. "I think I was with you for one of those". Keke said.

"Never have I ever internationally hit my boyfriend". Keke said taking drink. Everyone did. "Ned needs to get smacked on the head once in a while". Michelle said. "Damian is just Damian". Keke said. "Jacob is just I can't even". (Y/n) said. "Mark was acting stupid". Senasia said. Everyone saw I didn't take a drink. "You never laid hands"? Jacob asked. "Not on purpose, and plus I'm terrified to hit him". I said. "She's never really hit me on purpose". Peter said. "All times accidents, I forget my strength or I bump into him". I said. "I am surprised". Keke said. "Wait why are you scared to hit him"? (Y/n) asked. "I think I might kill him, and then I'mma feel guilty. And I hate guilt". I said. "I never killed Damian". Keke said. "On the inside". Damian said. Keke glared at him. "You and me two different people. I run off emotion, most likely if I hit Peter, I'mma be beyond pissed". I said. "Fair point". Keke said. "Y'all child abusers". I said. "Hitting these lil ass boys". I laughed. "Everyone in this room is older then you, expect Keke and Senasia. And there mentally older". Jacob said. I stuck out my tongue at him. "Never have I ever been up for a 11 days. With less the 4 hours of sleep". Peter said. I was the only one that drunk. "You only get like 3 hours of sleep a day anyway". Keke said. We heard the elevator open. "Jacob". I said. He nodded and supper speeded the vodka up and we looked at the TV. "Hey Happy"! I said. "Hey". He said. "Hi Happy". Peter said. "Parker". Happy said. He then walked out. "Do you not see this, what did I do to him"? Peter asked. I raised about eyebrow at Peter. "Well I know what I did but still"! Peter groaned.

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