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Myya's POV

Peter fell asleep on me literally and figuratively. He wrapped his arms around and pulled me to him. I couldn't really do anything my cuts not healed yet, I just started watching necked and afraid. Which I found weird why is always a man and woman, and you just ain't gonna go into woods or any place with no necked person and not fuck. After awhile my cuts healed. I carefully got up and put a pillow were i was. I went and found a basketball ball. "I wonder if there's a goal". I thought out loud. I went back outside into the woods and found a trail it led to a court. "Awesome". I said. Bouncing the ball, I fake crossed someone's ankles and hooked shot the ball. That landed on the goal. I started free throws. "And you see this is what Shaq can't do"! I said looking into a nonexistent camera. I shot the ball and it went to three pointers not my strong suit.

I missed the first shot. "Ok, step back"! I yelled crossing the ball between my legs then shooting and missing the basket. "Fuck"! I got the ball and crossed again shooting this making it. I made it some more. "Ok, so it's the wrist flick". I shot a asked again making it. "Ooo. Jacob is so going down when I see him". I got bored after about 30 minutes. I walked deeper into the woods and found a cave. "Nope". I said turning around walking back. When I made it back Peter was up. "How was your nap sleeping beauty"? I asked. "Fine, until I saw you gone again". Peter said kissing my cheek. "I found a basketball and a court". I said. "I see, you sticky". Peter said. "Yeah, I'mma take a shower". I said smiling.

I went and took a shower and then a thought came. "Did I just fucking, walk and take a shower without getting clothes"? I asked myself. "Bruh, you getting shot in the head to much. I swear you been trippen". GG said. "I swear". I wrapped myself in a towel and came out the bathroom, covering everything I can. I checked my bags. You know how hard it is to get clothes out of a zip bag and hold up towels? Then I can't find shoe's "You want some help"? Peter asked. "Shit bitch"! I yelled. Peter looked at me. "How did you sneak in"? I asked. "Well I've been in here since you got out". Peter said. I looked at him. "Have you seen my white, black, Jay's"? I asked him. "Aren't they in the closet"? Peter asked. "What stupid person did that"? I asked going in the closest. "You did it". Peter said. "Understandable". I said. I could feel Peter watching me. "You know you can leave right"? I asked. "I know". Peter said sitting down on a bed. Yo I don't what happened to Peter but did he gangster up. "Yo, who you been with"? I asked him.

"What"? Peter asked. "You been acting different. I want to know who the hell you been hanging with"? I asked him. "I guess you're just rubbing off on me". Peter said looking at me grab a sweater, a sleeves jean jacket, some red pants, a beanie, and a bracelet. "Well that needs to stop cause I'm the only, sassy sarcastic son of a bitch in this relationship". I said. walking back to the bathroom. I stuck my head out of the door. "Don't think I don't know you were looking at my ass spiderboy". Peter blushed and I got dressed and came back out. Peter was still on the bed. "I love you". Peter said. "I love me to". I said. Peter pouted and I kissed his cheek. Then went out of the room, Peter followed me. "Come here right quick"! Peter yelled I quickly turned around and he hugged me I tensed, put hugged him back. "What"? I questioned. "Nothing I just wanted to hug you". Peter said grabbing his jacket. "Where you going"? I asked. "Into town, we need junk food". Peter said. "I'm coming". I said. "Ok, babe". Peter said. I went to get my wallet, then came back out. "Let me drive". I said. "Why, it's self drove". Peter said. "Well my car is supposed to be somewhere between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. And I just wanted to drive this and see how different the baby is from mine". I said.

Peter shrugged and and tossed me the keys. I got in the drivers seat, Peter laughed at me as I looked at the miles. "Bae forgive me for driving Peter Jr. Here". I prayed to to Bae. "Did you just name my car"? Peter asked. "You didn't"? I asked starting it up and pulling off. "The car isn't a person. You just don't name cars". Peter said. "Shh. Peter. Don't listen Peter Jr. Your daddy loves you". I said to the car. "The car isn't my son". Peter said. "Yes it is". I said. "Ok, fine. So I can name your car". Peter said. "My bae got a name its bae". I said. "No, her name is Star". Peter said. "No. And my car's a dude". I said. "How do you know if a cars boy or a girl"? Peter said. "I just know". I said. "Fine, you can just name the car". Peter said. "I know I can". I said. A moment passed. "Baby"? I asked. "Hmm". He said. "Where the fuck I'm suppose to be going"? I asked. "Oh, yeah right". Peter said. Putting the coordinates in the car so I can read them. "Thanks". I said, my phone started ringing. I'm not gonna answer my phone and talk and drive while Peter in my car. "Where is it"? Peter asked. "Back pocket. Just let it ring, it's Keke". I said. It stopped and started back. "Your ring tone is unsettling. Just answer it". Peter said. "My nigga, my nigga, my nigga, my nigga". I sung with the ring tone. "Just answer it". Peter said. "5-o man, I can't talk and drive, you just get it". I said. "You sure"? Peter asked. "It's bothering you right? She ain't gonna stop until I answer". I said. Peter reached over to my back pocket. "Yo, watch that hand Parker cause that wasn't the phone". I said. "Sorry". Peter said blushing, he got my phone.

"Hello". Peter said into my phone putting it on speaker. "Peter? The fuck you doing with Myya's phone"? "Hey to you to Keke". Peter said rolling his eyes. "Where Myya"? Keke asked. "I'm here". I said. "You can't believe what I just found"! "Oh my chuck! With did you do"? I asked. "So I was in your room right"? I looked at Peter. "What the fuck!? I thought you were in Gotham. Why the hell you in my room"!? I yelled. "Well I wanted to use one of your hats". "Oh, ok". I said. "So I went into a closet and found a hatch on the floor". My eyes widen. "Don't go down there"! I yelled. "I'm not, but what's down there"? "Trust me, don't go. It be weird down there". I said. "Is it a sex room? Like fifty shades"? "No, god no". I said. "Is there a body in there"? "Um... I'mma call you back in private". I said. "Bye Keke". Peter said hanging up. Peter looked at me questionably. "I don't ask you about your personal business". I said. "You do". Peter said.

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