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Myya's POV

I woke up one the couch. Peter hands were around me. I wasn't taking chances so I just teleported out of his hands into the bathroom, I did my business and realized I forgot my clothes again. "I need a damn reminder for this type of bull shit". I said wrapping the towel around me and saw Peter holding out clothes and shoes for me. Smirking. "Go to heaven". I said getting the clothes and shoes walking back into the bathroom. Then I noticed the clothes he picked out I rolled my eyes and put them on. Along with my beats under my beanie. I walked and Peter took a picture. "You think you're funny"? I asked. "I think you look great". Peter said. "Where did you get these"? I asked. I didn't own any Spiderman clothes. "I brought them". Peter said. "So you brought me shoes, a shirt, a pair of tights, and thus beanie"? I asked. "Yeah". Peter said. "Thanks". I said. "I have something to tell you". Peter said. "What up"? I asked. "I'm getting a building". Peter said. "I'm sorry what"? I asked. "I'm getting a Parker industries". Peter said.

"When"? I asked. "After college Mr. Stark helped me. I'm going to be a business man". Peter said. I looked at at him. "Great, but what about Spiderman"? I asked. "I'm still going to be Spiderman, no will know". Peter said. "I need a moment". I said. I sat down and thought trying to see this in every possible way. Peter gets money, Peter will work, great chance for him, Peter will get fame. Oh shit! Wait! If Peter gets famous and publicity gets out, someone is bound to find out his secret. Then the world will know Peter's might be another Tony, and since the world knows Spiderman and Elementress are a couple. They could find out who I am, because everyone knows I'm the Avengers kids. "Oh fuck"! I said aloud. "What"!? Peter asked. "Nothing I'm so happy for you"! I said. I gonna have to keep a close eye on Peter when this shit happens so no one will know who he is. Cause all the crimes I committed its gonna be another civil war. "I knew you'll be happy". Peter said. Is it weird that I can't really understand if I'm happy or not. "#depression". GG said. "So you'll be 22". I said. "Yeah, and since you skipped a grade you'll graduate at 21, and we can work together". Peter said. "Peter I don't know man, work just isn't my thing". I said as we packed our bags. "Please, I wouldn't want to work without you". Peter said. "Peter, you know I already have a job". I said. "I have that same job and I can do both". Peter said. "We work in to different departments of justice". I said.

"I want you to be my personal assistant". Peter said. "So you want me be the Pepper to your Tony"? I asked him zipping my bag up. "Mr. Stark married Mrs. Stark". Peter said brushing his hair back. "So? After what forever"? I asked. "It will not take me forever, babe. Mr. Stark told me don't do anything he would do, and definitely don't do anything he wouldn't do". Peter said. " Yeah, never made since to me". I said backing my other bag full of weapons. "He wouldn't marry someone he didn't love". Peter said grabbing my hand. "What is this an after school special"? I asked. "You're nervous". Peter said. "No I'm not, I don't get nervous. Well... I have anxiety but still". I said. "I know you nervous". Peter said. "How would you know that"? I asked. "Cause you always change the subject when you're nervous. And you've did it at least three times since we've been talking". Peter said to me. "That's crazy Peter. Do you know where my phone is"? I asked. "See you just did it again". Peter said. "Never mind found it". I said taking it off the charger and putting the charger in my bag and my phone in my pocket. "You know I'm and gonna marry you right"? Peter said. "Look, it's my bear claw". I said. I got it off the floor. "You cannot ignore me forever". Peter said. "I'm not, I hear you talking". I said. "But are you listening"? Peter asked. "I never understood that". I said. "Please"? Peter asked. "Fine I'll be you're assistant". I said.

"Thanks, babe". Peter said. "Whatever,  Spiderboy". I said. "I am older than you". Peter said. "I know that". I said laughing. Peter kissed me then left the room. "This nigga just keeps getting better". GG said. "Man, he talking bout marriage and working together right after college". I said. "That's good right"? Lucifer asked. "I don't know, I'm not committed to anything not even my damn self". I said. "I'm having some serious de ja moo". I said. "The hell is that"? Lucifer asked. "I've been threw this bullshit all ready". I said. "Oh, yeah. It just wasn't this talk". GG said. Everything started getting blurry and I started hyperventilating. "Shit! Anxiety kicking in"! Lucifer said. "Deep breaths in out, in out. Keep it together woman". I said. Everything went to normal. Peter walked back in after a couple minutes. "Let's go". Peter said. "Ok". I said getting my bags.

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