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Myya's POV

"Wanna go to the coffee shop"? Peter asked. "Bet". I said grabbing my board. "How was Chicago"? Peter asked, as we walked out of my room. "Cool". We headed out of the tower hoping on our boards. We skated to the coffee shop. I started laughing. "What"? Peter asked. "Dude don't you remember when we first went out"? I asked. "Oh, yeah. I was a stuttering and blushing mess". Peter said. "Look, there's the park"! I said walking over there board in hand. "Look Myya I know we known each other for 2 weeks". Peter said. I laughed. "Yep". I responded. Peter started blushing. "B-But w-would you go out with m-me"? He asked. I stopped to think laughing a little. "Oh god you don't like me like that I'm so stupid, I'm sorry". Peter said in fake panic. "Shut up yeah I will go out with you". I said smiling. "You will"? Peter asked. "Yea, I like you to, if the feelings the same we should date". I said. Peter started laughing. "Ok I have the perfect date how about a movie, pizza, and ice cream". Peter said. "Sounds perfect". I said. "Great how about tomorrow at 5"? Peter asked. "Fine by me". I said. We both started laughing at each other. "What the hell was wrong with us"? I asked. "I don't even know". Peter said.

"You want to go catch a movie"? I asked. "Yeah". Peter said. We both skated to a movie theater. "Hi Pete". I said laughing. "Hi Myya". Peter said back chuckling. "What are we going to watch"? I asked. "I don't know you can decide". Peter said. "Quiet place". I said. "Isn't that scary"? Peter asked. "I doubt it". I laughed Peter kissed my forehead. And we went to pay. It came towards the end of the movie. I looked at Peter and kissed his cheek. "What was that for"? Peter asked smiling at me. "You looked a bit uncomfortable so I kissed you". I said laughing so did Peter. "C-Can I k-kiss you". Peter laughing a little. "You, don't need to ask". I said. Peter pulled me into a kiss a very long sweet one. "Dude, why were so fuckin cliche when we were 14 and 15"? I asked Peter. "I don't know. But that was one of the best days of my life". Peter said. "We had to hide our relationship for a while". I said. "Yeah, I remember". Peter said as we walked out. He held my hand as we walked home with our skateboards in the other hand.

When we made it to the tower I smiled, maybe marriage isn't so bad. Wait what's wrong with me damn it you are dangerous. Put would being with Peter be a bad thing? "Myya, let's be real you love the boy". Goliath said. "Yeah, he's the only good thing you got- you have. Before Keke even came he was what you had, even when Wade wasn't around for the day. Peter was, right by your side. Who talked you out of stupid shit before Keke? Peter. Who comforted you during nightmares, when Bucky was asleep, gone, or couldn't hear. Peter. So what I'm telling you as the side of you that would die before they talk, the most evilest thing in your brain. Say yes to the fucking boy if he asks you marry your damn sorry ass"!! Goliath yelled. "Ok". I mumbled.

"What"? Peter asked me. "Nothing voices". I said. We made it to the tower and we saw everyone getting ready to leave. "What's going down"? I asked. "Mission off shore, they need us. You and Peter are going to have to stay here". Steve said. "Ok". I said. "Don't argue with me Myya, it's to dangerous for you to be there-". Bucky cut Steve off and I just started at me like the fuck? "She said ok". Bucky said. "You're not going to argue"? Vision asked. "Naw, I don't care". I said. "Oh, well then we'll be back in a week". Steve said. "I don't want any positive pregnancy test here. So Happy will be checking in once in a while". Tony said. "Ok, I don't care". I said. Everyone just looked at me. "Can't Pepper check in on us? I don't think Happy likes me". Peter said. "Nonsense he loves you, kid". Tony said. "Hugs"! Thor said. I got up and hugged Thor and everyone else. "If you get into a bunch just call send a damn bird do anything. I swear I'll come". I said. "We know shorty. We will". Clint said. They all left saying another bye. After a while Peter fell asleep on the couch. So I went to make food.

Peter's POV

"Myya will you marry me"? I asked Myya as I proposed to her in her room when she was throwing knives. She looked at saw a had a ring, she dropped her knife. "Of my fuck Peter"!? She asked. "Is that a yes or no"? I asked confused. She looked like she was debating with her voices. "Yes". She finally said. I had the biggest smile ever she kissed me and we fell back in her bed. "We should tell the others, better to go ahead and say it". She said. "Wait, can I just see something"? I asked. she nodded. I kissed her passionately. "Damn ok, if that what I say I would have been said it". Myya said pulling away. She took off my shirt and started kissing my neck. "Myya"! I moaned.

Myya's POV

I heard Peter call my name. And I finished dinner cool. I walked in bit be was sleep he still called my name. "Peter"! I yelled. "Peter"! I yelled again. Why the hell is he not waking up? "Yo Pete"! I yelled. He woke up this time his face turned red. "It's cool I'm here". I said. Peter was moving his legs uncomfortably. "Are you ok? You were calling me". I said. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine". Peter said. "Was it a nightmare? You want to talk about it"? I asked. "No, no, nope. I need to go to the bathroom". Peter said quickly getting up, leaving. "Ok, then". I said walking back to the kitchen. "What up with him"? I asked. "Oh my god. I thought I was innocent". Lucifer said which caught me by surprise. "What"? I asked. "Girl he was dreaming about you". GG said. "I know that why does that make me innocent"? I asked. "He was dreaming about fucking you". Goliath said. "You guys must forgot who I'm dating, Peter Parker. That nigga wouldn't-". GG cut me off. "He's a boy". She said. "Oh my god"! I yelled. Peter came back in. "What happened"! Peter asked rushing to me. "Peter I love you, ya know that right"? I asked. "Yeah, I do. And I love you to". Peter said. "So, if I ask you something. You would be one hundred right"? I asked. "Yeah". Peter said. "Well my voices have came to a very weird thought, about you having a wet dream about me, tell them it isn't true". I said. Peter didn't say anything he just stood there looking guilty. My mouth dropped I looked like that one emoji. (😮).

"I'm sorry-". I cut him off. "No, nope. So done. You want some stuffed bell peppers"? I asked. "Uh, um. Yeah". Peter said blushing. We ate our food and my mind was racing. "Why"? I asked him. "I said sorry". Peter said. "Why are you apologizing? You can't help what your mind, conscious or how ever dreams works, do". I said. "Yeah, but I keep saying I wanted to wait to marriage. And I'm dreaming about doing it with you". Peter said. I took his plate and washed the dishes. "Your worst the Steve who says 'fondue' your saying 'it' it's 2022. Say sex". I told him. "Sex". Peter said smirking. "Don't be a smart ass". I said. "What are you going to do"? Peter asked. "You wanna see what I'm going to do"? I asked. "Yeah". Peter said. I kissed him gently letting my hands travel his shirt. We heard the elevator door open. And we pulled away quickly. "Fuck". I mumbled. Happy walked in and looked us. "Hey Happy". Peter said. "Kid". He grumbled. "Hey Happy". I said. "Hey". He grumbles. Peter looked offended. "Wow, ok then". Peter whispered. "You to good"? Happy asked. "Yep". We both said.

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