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Myya's POV

"So, if you had one wish what would it be"? Steve asked. "To not be born, died when my parents died, go back and kill my parents, not be a sad little piece of crap, anywhere between those lines. Wait I got it. For my mom and dad to get killed because my powers made my mom sick, and I'll be born and she dies, and while my dad holding me I crush his neck from super strength, and fall down hitting my head on a table instantly killing me". I said drinking some water. "I don't like playing games with you". Pietro said. I shrugged. "Have you thought of that before? Because it was obviously detailed"? Bruce asked. "I mean we having to tell the truth so I am". I said. "Do you really not want to spend your life with me"? Peter asked. "So those toilets are getting clean". I said getting up. "Myya". Peter said. "Who wants coffee? I'll make coffee. Hell who wants tea cakes? I don't know how to make them, but google exist for a reason". I said. "Myya". Peter said. "Did anyone ask for a hamburgers? I can get some from Kansas. Yeah, Dean knows a great choice. I'll drive there now". I said. "Myya". Peter said again getting up. "I know a girl, she's-she from Japan, awesome sushi selection. I don't even like sushi". I laughed. I started breathing heavily. "Oh shit, panic attack". GG said. "Brace yourself it's a big one"! Lucifer said. Everything started spinning. "Myya"? Peter asked.  "Yeah, I-i can totally fix those tea cakes". I said. I started hyperventilating. "Myya"!? Bruce yelled realize what was happening. "What's going on"? Thor asked. "She having a panic attack"! Bruce said quickly running to me.

"Oh my god". Wanda said. "Myya, you need to chill out". Goliath said. I turned cold. "Myya, take steady breathes in and out. Sit down". Bruce said. I stumbled. Peter lead me to the couch. "Oh god Myya I'm sorry". Peter said. I closed my eyes. "You need to suck it up. Be a woman, what did I tell you damn it! Stop being a pussy, he only asked a a question. God damn it"! Goliath said. I opened my eyes calm. "Tacos"? I asked getting up. "Are you ok"? Bruce asked. "Yeah, so tacos"? I asked. Grabbing my phone, then dropping it. I picked it up. I called the taco place. "Yeah can I get like 20 tacos delivered to Avengers tower"? I asked. "No it's a giant tower with a A on it. Ok thanks". I said. "So, if you could be any person in the world who would you be"? I asked anyone. "Surely you're not just going to ignore that"? Vision asked. "Ignore what"? I asked. "Myya, I'm scared for you". Peter said. "For what"? I asked. Peter sat down beside me. "I want to help". Peter said. "I want some fried chicken, anyone up for KFC"? I asked. "I thought we were having tacos". Clint said. "Riiight". I said. "Myya maybe you should lay down". Steve said. "Naw, I'm good. I think I'll just train. Anyone want to spar? Never mind I can work on my stealth. Did I mention we were having tacos". I laughed. "God, maybe I should go for a walk. I can pick up the tacos". I said. "I believe Myya has lost it". Loki said. "Nooo, I'm totally fine". I lied. "Shut up"! Goliath yelled. I sighed putting my hands in my head. Peter rubbed my back. I started laughing. "God, I'm pathetic". I said teleporting away. I was in South Side New York. I had my costume on. I sat on top of a building. "I wonder if I die will I stay dead". I said aloud looking at the ground. With my luck I'll probably come back, cause for some reason. Society hates me but won't let me die. All I want is an simple way in life, but you know what, people there ain't no easy road. Momma and daddy can't help ya out of this shit. You crawl threw that shit, until your left with it all up in your mouth wanting to fucking blow you brains out just to get the taste out of your system. I laughed. What I would kill to be dead right now. I thought I could be better I can't you just can't change certain people. Some should just stay alone and die. My life was so much more easier when I just did what I wanted, without regret. I started flying. Up into the sky above the clouds. Why do I feel like this? What's wrong with me? I'm not even a person anymore. I'm just a ball of anxiety and depression. Well that's not what some people would say, to others I'm a monster. Someone who should be executed off the earth. Damn I wish it to people.

I didn't even realize I sprung a eye leak. I whipped my face and flew off. I'm no good to you Peter... A week went by without me coming to the tower, I hid out in a old dusty basement. I realized the graduation was tomorrow. I should probably go... I went passed the tower and saw no one was there. I went to the mall and got an outfit for graduation. I quickly left. Rachel had gotten her money she was great ful. Im glad. I found put she was having twins good for her. The next day at nighttime, I did my hair and put on my outfit, my name would be one of the first called maybe like the 3rd. So I'll just wait, out for a while. After about 10 minutes I came in at the right time. "Myya Bailey"! The principal called for I'm guessing the second time. I opened the gym door and everyone looked at me, I had my cap and gown on. I faked smiled and walked up. I got my diploma and did my speech. "Yo! I'm just glad to be out this hell hole. And to certain people I say you are little fuc-". I was cut off. "Thank you miss Bailey". The principle said and I walked off, after they called the next person my smile dropped. I walked out the gym to see Peter. "Hey". I said. "Hey? You've left for a week and all you can say is hey"? Peter asked. "Hi". I said. He sighed. "Hey". He said. Teary eyed. "I'm sorry I needed to clear my mind". I said. "Myya I missed you". Peter said hugging me. "Same. Where everyone at"? I asked. "There waiting on there names to be called. The Avengers are in there to. They're probably in shock and waiting on Keke''. Peter said. "Peter I'd had a lot of time to think, firstly. Why hasn't anyone everyone every though of sugar cookie flavor ice cream. And second, I'm a real douche bag". I said.

"Ok, first why hasn't that happened. And second, I still love you". Peter said. "Yo bitch we made it"! Keke said walking up to me. "Bruh, right. I'm so surprised I didn't burn this place down". I said. "Peter Parker". Then principal said. "That's me". Peter said kissing my cheek and leaving. "Where the hell you been"? Keke asked. "Thinking". I said. "Bout"? Keke asked. "I wanna marry Peter". I said. Her mouth dropped. "Dayum can we have a double wedding"? Keke asked. "Can we wear black"? I asked. "As long as I can wear black and purple". Keke said. "Bet, I'll wear black and blue". I said. "Good, so when are you going to ask him"? Keke asked. "Oh, I think he wants to be the one who ask. I should ask him. But he really wants to ask me". I said. "Cool, well he have until like 4 or 5 years, Damian and me have to hold, some stuff came up and he's having mom problems. The bitch don't like me". Keke said. "League of assassins. I don't like them or her Thalia. A person who thinks she's the best fighter". I said. "I know I want to kill her". Keke said. "Shiit, I'll help. The bitch insulted me one day". I said. Peter came back out. He hugged me. "We have to start doing college applications". Peter said. "About that, I just realized that Stanford is not in New York. And I have a problem with that". I said. "You can teleport". Peter said. "Oh, right". I said. "Wait, Myya don't you have scholarship"? Keke asked. "Oh yeah, to Princeton, Yale, Harvard, University of Colorado". I said. "Same, Math and cheer leading". Keke said. (A/n it's still funny to me 😂😂). "Science, Journalism". Peter said. "Football and Reading". I said.  "I can be in the NFL". I said. "We're all trying for Standford right"? Keke asked. "Yeah". We both said.

(A/n I'm going to have to continue this book by making another book, because everytime I make a new chapter it gets mixed up it's only this book none of my other books are doing this I'll let y'all know when it's up)

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