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(Peter's POV)

I ran into Liz and the store today. She asked where Myya was. "Oh, I don't know". I said. "Weird, I thought you two always knew where you guys we're going". She said smiling. "Yeah, we broke up". I said. Liz frowned. "I'm sorry for that Peter". She said hugging me. "It's ok, it's been like 2 or 3 months I'm ok. Did you get a part in the graduation"? I asked her. "Yeah, I'm the speaker". She said. "Cool". I said. "I have to write a boring speech, and you got top of the class. So you do to Peter". She said. "I totally forgot about that". I said. "That's alright we can meet up, and doesn't Keke and Myya have to write one to, for top of the class"? She asked. "Yeah, we can all met at Avengers tower. I'm pretty sure Mr. Stark will be ok with it". I said. "Sounds great how about later today"?  She asked. "Myya and Keke can't do nights, so make at around 8 please"? I asked. "Sounds like a plan, bye Peter". She said kissing my cheek I blushed.

I walked over to the tower and saw Myya making cookies. I went behind her. "Bo-". I was cut off from my surprise attack. "What is it Peter"? She asked turning around. "We have a speech to do you, Keke, and I". I said. "When"? She asked. "Graduation". I said. "Yeah, I'm not going. I have things to do". She said putting the cookies into the oven. "Why not. MyMy. Everyone gonna be there, please"? I asked. "Fine". She said. "Great, you, Keke, Liz, and I can help each other". I said. "I'm sorry there must me dry blood in my ear. Did you say Liz"? She asked. "Yeah, I told her around 8 is that a good time. I know you and Keke have to patrol around 10". I said. Myya pulled out her phone. "Aww fuck, Sorry Peter I can't be here at 8.... I have another mission". She said. I frowned. "For who"? I asked.

"Um...  X men". She said. "Why do the X men-" She cut me off. "It's because I'm fucking awesome Peter ok"!? She yelled. That's when Keke walked in. "Yo Myya. The X men called and said that you didn't have to do the mission". Keke said. Myya glared at her hard and Keke smirked. Myya took out a gun. "What are you doing now"? Keke asked. "I'm about to take a really long nap". Myya said cocking the gun. "Where you gonna go? Hell banned you, Heaven don't want you, Everyone in Purgatory is afraid of you. So God help me where ya gonna go"? Keke asked. "Well it's this thing called the Empty". Myya said. And pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

"What the fuck"!? Myya yelled. I let out a sigh of relief. She took her clip out. And poured out gummy bears? "Um.. What the fuck, what freaky shit you been doing"? Keke asked. "Oh my god. If the gummy bears are in here... What the hell did I give those kids"? She asked. "Aww fuck". Keke said. Myya checked her pockets and pulled out bullets. "Oh, thank god". She said. "But what did you give the kids"? I asked. "Um... Probably caffeine pills". She said. "Yeah, Myya your speech should be 100 reasons why you shouldn't be trusted in life". Keke said. "Ok, first of all go fuck yourself. Second honesty I can name more than 100". Myya said. "I keep telling you they added extra floors for yo ass. You ain't 5th bitch you 500". Keke told here. "I'm not that crazy". Myya said.

"Tell that to the voices in your head, your constant need to kill, the random ass shit you say, and the fact that you still haven't told me how you got out of the mental asylum in the middle of the ocean". Keke said. "I'm going". Myya said walking away. "Where you going"!? Keke yelled. "To the water store"!  Myya yelled back. "What the fuck! That's not even a thing. Get yo ass back here and be a woman". Keke yelled. "I'm a dude today". She said leaving. "How this hoe gonna leave the cookies"? Keke mumbled. The timer went off and the cookies popped out of the oven onto a plate. "Even I have to say... That was awesome". Keke said grabbing a cookie.

It's now 9 o clock Keke asked Liz to come at 9 because Myya would be back by then. So Myya's in her room, and Liz just walked in the tower, we all came into Myya's room who was throwing knives while doing flips. Then when she saw us, she tripped over her foot and fell cutting herself with the knife. "Son of a fucking bitch"! She yelled. "Are you ok"!? Liz asked freaking out. "Yes, I'm ok. What the fuck muffin, shit biscuit, dog shit. Are you three doing"? She asked. "Liz came at 9 so know we can write our speeches". Keke said. "Ow! It's hurts. The pain! I should go see Bruce for a hour". Myya said. "No I want to hear about your date with Conor"? Keke asked. I felt a nerve break. "Fine". Myya said going to her closet and getting her first aid kit. "Peter can you stitch it"? She asked. I nodded and started doing her stitches. "Don't you want something to numb it"? Liz asked. "No, I want to feel the needle going in and out of my freshly open blood soaked wound. The pain of the stitch the sharpness of the needle. Bye pinch of of the sew. The rusty smell of of blood, and the pain of life". Myya said. We all just stared at us. "Ok then. That got dark even for you". Keke said. "Pain is my only escape". Myya said. In deadpan voice. I finished and we got to work. "Do you remember when we first met"? Keke asked. "Yeah". Myya looks off into the ceiling. "That was the day I realized that I could never truly be happy". Myya said. "Are you quoting vines? What are you doing? Are you some type of ghetto emo"? Keke asked. "Well if we're doing labels". Myya said.

"My mom said we should start it off funny". Liz said. "Life is meaningless and we're put on this planet to die.". Myya said. "What the fuck Myya"!? Keke yelled. "Two bros sitting in a hot tub 5 feet apart because they are not gay". Myya said. "Ok, that one, that's a vine". Keke said. "Myya are you ok"? I asked her. "Yep". She said. A gun shot went off scaring Liz and me, my had some how got her a sword and sliced the bullet in half. "My bad. I hooked that up for training". Myya said picking up the bullet she sliced in half. "How'd you"? Keke asked. "Wade thought me how to slice its fun". Myya said. "Is that bullet real"? Liz asked. "No...". Keke said. Myya alarm sounded. "Sorry fun time. Great speeches. I got to go". Myya said. "It's 9:45". I said. "We have till 10". Keke said. "No, this on some real shit important. So I really got to go-" Steve came in. "Hi kids". He said. Myya groaned. "Fuck! damn it"! She yelled. We all looked at her, she remembered that Liz was here. "Oh um. Sorry for language mom number 3". She said.

Myya then got a duffle bag and a suit case, she pushed passed Steve. Who was calling after her. "Where are you going Myya"!? He yelled running after her. "I'm her family. And I just feel uncomfortable, what the fuck Is with her"? Keke asked after Liz left. "Maybe she did have a mission". I said. "No she lied about that she didn't want to be here. But this bitch done packed a bag, then left her own room". Keke said.

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