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(Myya POV)

I packed my clothes, tooth brush, shampoo, phone, knives, guns, do I need a bomb? Yeah I need a bomb. C4 could work to. Fuck it I'll just pack a separate suitcase for the weapons. "Do we even need weapons"? GG the voice asked. "Hell yeah bitch, who knows what will happen"! Goliath said. "Would you two shut the hell up, have you seen my shirkens"? I asked them. "Bitch, how the fuck I'mma know"? Goliath said. "Closest, right side. Next to Uzi number 4". Lucifer said. "Thanks". I grabbed it and my weapons bag was full.

I put on a black hoodie, some drown combat boots, black leggings, and some glasses. I came out with two bags. I put them by the elevator, and walked into the kitchen. "You nerves"? Keke asked me. "No why"? I asked pouring coffee into my cup. "Well that's a crop top hoodie right"? Keke asked I nodded. "You ain't got no shirt under it". Keke said. I looked down and saw I didn't. "Aww, fuck me"! I yelled frustrated. I went to my room and put on a white T shirt, went back to the kitchen and sat down. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do". Keke said. "What haven't you did"? I asked. "Exactly". Keke said. "I'm not going to force him into anything". I told Keke. "Ya know you're lucky Peter's a pain in the ass". Keke said. "True". I said. "But, you're lucky to have him. Someone who can stop you from killing. Cause I swear I never seen you actually close to being sane". Keke looked at me. "Well not close but you know". Keke said. "True". I said. "I'm here"! Peter yelled. "What up Peter". I said. "Hey". Keke said. "You ready, we have a long car ride". Peter said. "Yeah"! I said. "We should tell the Avengers I'm bout to bounce". I said. "Ok". Peter said. We all walked into the living room and Keke sat down. "Yo, we bout to go". I said.

"Bye"! They all said. Wade popped up. "Use condoms, but don't use used condoms. Never use used condoms". Wade said. I looked at him. "Wade, I gonna miss you". I said laughing at him. He hugged me and slipped me some condoms. "These aren't used". He whispered. I got annoyed and face palmed. I grabbed my bags, and Peter and I left. Peter had a Lambo. I looked at him. He smiled at me shyly, how did I not know this. You leave for two months and the nigga got a Lamborghini. I put my bags in the back, Peter opened the door for me and I got in he then walked over to the drivers side. "Peter, I swear to God if this thing kills me. I'm killing you". I told him. He nodded. "Karen please drive us to the cabin. The directions are in the data base". Peter told the last part to me. I nodded checked his music. "What the hell is fall out boy, Panic! at the disco, 21 pilots? Oh I know you ain't listening to old one direction"? I asked. "What's NBA Young boy, Dej loaf, and Young M.A.? And I know you ain't listening to old lil Wayne"? Peter said.

"You mocking me". I asked him. "A little". He said. "Crazy=genius, Panic! at the disco". I said playing it. It started playing, it wasn't bad. "Wow Peter I didn't expect you to listen to something with a lot of cursing in it". I said. "I listen to you". Peter said. I looked at him. "Bitch". I said. "Love you to". Peter said. "Fuck you". I told him. "How was the mission"? Peter asked. "Fun, nuclear bomb war, I had to go under cover as a Russian teenage boy. I had to live and swear my life to Hitler, but I just backed stabbed everyone. I saved some girl from drowning, she kissed me, I blew up some stuff". I said. "Wait you did what"? Peter asked. "Blew up some stuff ". I said. "No, a girl kissed you"? He asked. "Yo, she thought I was a dude. I mean hey she ight, but I don't roll that way". I said. "That's weird how many other people do you kiss on missions"? Peter asked jealous. "I ain't kiss her". I said. Peter huffed. "Its so fuckin cute when you be jealous". I said.

"It's dangerous when you're jealous". Peter said. "Difference between me and you". I said. "True, we'll be at the cabin in a 30 minutes babe". Peter said. "Ight". I responded.  Migraine from 21 pilots came on. "Peter your music is slightly depressing. I like it". I said. "So what did you do when I was gone"? I asked. "Well since we broke up that day, I cried, went out to patrol, aunt May walks in on my crying. She tells me to call you and ask for forgiveness. I didn't think you liked me anymore. Considering how hard you yelled at me, I still hear that. I talked to Ned and Michelle, Michelle called me a dumb loser. Ned started talking sense into me. And after that talk I just spent weeks waiting for you to come home". Peter said. I looked passed Peter into the none existing camera, like on the office. "I feel like his 2 months were more depressing then mine". I said. I looked at Peter who looked at me confused. "I'm friends with Wade". I simply stated. "Yeah, but I missed you like a lot, it was actually really boring. Without you making questionable life decisions". Peter said. "I'm here now". I said. Peter smiled. "And I'm happy for that". Peter said. "Kiss him"! GG yelled scaring the fucking shit outta me. "You better not fucking kiss him, Damn it Myya, this bitch gone work today". Goliath said growling. "Shit bitch, stop fucking trippen you hoe ass piece of shit, they already kissed. That shit doesn't change her-". I cut GG off. "Will you two shut the fuck up"! I yelled at them.

"Are you ok"? Peter asked me. "I have a headache" I said holding my head. "You two chill, stop yelling you're hurting her". Lucifer said. "I don't care! I'll yell all the fuck I want bitch! You goody two shows piece if shit"! Goliath yelled at Lucifer. "You shut up, I swear if I was in control, I'll have you out. Why am I the devil you clearly are the bad one"! Lucifer yelled at Goliath. "God, you two are stupid, you damn well it's a inside joke about your names, and shut the hell up. Damn you two to fucking purgatory". GG said. They all shut up I let go of my head. "You ok"? Peter asked me worried. "Peachy, just a little argument up there". I said. "It hurts when they yell"? Peter asked. "Yeah, especially Goliath. He's got a loud booming deep voice". I said. "Like Thor"? Peter asked. "That be one way to but it". I said. "We here"! Peter said as Karen pulled up to a cabin.

"What the shit"! I yelled looking at it

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"What the shit"! I yelled looking at it. "It's pretty isn't it"? Peter asked. "This place be Gucci. Hoe much did- Peter what did you spend on this"? I asked. "Don't worry about it, I got a fair price". Peter. "Peter, you didn't have to spend this much". I told him. "I could have just stole this place". I finished. "I felt it would be more romantic to rent it. Then for you to steal it". Peter said. "Whatever". I said. "Come on I'll show you the rooms". Peter said. "How many rooms are there"? I asked. "Two bed rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, a hot tube's outside". Peter said. Peter led me to the back of the house and we walked into the woods a little. Then I saw this beautiful candle lit dinner.

"Ok, this is really fucking great and all, but how did you light these and turn the lights on in the cabin"? I asked

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"Ok, this is really fucking great and all, but how did you light these and turn the lights on in the cabin"? I asked. "Surprise mother fucker"! Wade said popping out of a tree and I punched him in the face. "What the shit Bailey"! Wade yelled. "I'm so sorry"! I said hugging him. "Wade what are you doing here"? I asked. "Well you know Petey here, doesn't really get a lone with all your friends. Hint Keke so, I'm here to talk to you about stuff". Wade said. "That's not why he's here. I asked Wade to teleport here before us and set this up". Peter said. "Wade you staying"? I asked. "No, but I wouldn't sleep in that black and pink bed"! Wade yelled leaving. "What did he-". I cut Peter off. "Looks like I'm sleeping with you". I said.

Peter laughed and pulled out a chair for me. I looked at him and got in the other chair. "Peter, I love you man, but we ain't doing this cliches it's 2020". I said. "Ok, I just want to gain your trust again". Peter said. " Peter, I've dated a lot of people, most lairs, others wanna be gangsters, some kinda stupid, others not to good looking, others acted like whiny ass bitches, and a couple who were all of the above. But you're honest, you don't try to not be yourself, you don't act like a bitch, then you smart, and to make it better you good looking". I said. "Thanks glad to know I'm not a bitch. Even tho you called me a bitch". Peter said. "I call everyone a bitch". I said.

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