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(Myya POV)

I woke up and saw Peter still sleeping his hands were wrapped against me. I teleported out of his arms and he hugged a pillow I smiled a little then got a text. It said that Blue stuff was near Hyde Park in Boston. I sighed. I teleported over there. The place didn't look bad, a lot of houses obviously a hood but with nice houses. I went in a house and saw Blue's girlfriend. "Hi Rachel. I'm just here to ya know". I said. "Myya do you knock"? She asked obviously depressed. "We both know I don't". I said jokingly. She let out a sad chuckle and went to get the bag. I was shocked when she came back with the bag I fuckin brought to him. "He also left you a note and a CD". She said. I nodded. Who the fuck uses CD's? I smiled at her and and took the stuff I walked out. I felt my eyes water up but I just kept that shit in, I ain't crying. I went back in. "Are you planning a funeral"? I asked her. "Yeah, yes. It's in 2 weeks on Monday". She said. I laughed a little. Blue always said he never wanted to be buried on a Sunday. I walked out looked around and teleported in the garage of the tower. I wonder what's in this this bag. I went into the living room, walking pass everyone to the elevator.  "Myya"! Steve called me. I stopped and turned around slowly and looked at him. "Yes sir"? I asked. Tony looked almost faint. "Um... Bucky wanted to go shopping for weapons and I'm joining him. Would you like to come"?  Steve asked. "No thanks. I'm kinda busy. Maybe another time". I said. "Would you like breakfast"? Vision asked. "Oh, no thank you. I'm not really hungry". I said leaving. I went to my room. I started digging through my closet. I found a CD player and hooked it up to the TV. "What are you doing"? "Holy shit"! I screamed. I looked and saw it was Peter. "Oh, nothing". I said. I Peter sat down on a chair. I opened the note first.

Dear Myya,

I did this out of choice and I hope you're doing ok. I did for a reason, and since you're reading this I know that's I killed myself. I burned my body to make sure you couldn't bring me back, I slit my wrists to make sure everyone knew I did. I hung myself to make sure I wasn't going to back out. This was important and you'll know why face to... Screen. Play the CD.

"Myya what's that"? Peter asked. I gave him the note. The I went to play the CD. "What up Myya!! I swear I didn't want to make that not depressing. But the reason I did this lame shit is because I know to much. Hydra, is back. And they are after me, that's the reason why shield wanted me. But aye they ain't get me thanks to you. You're a great friend, you knew I never hurt anyone. I leave that to you". I laughed at this. "Buuut, you need to stay out this fight. I know, I know, I sound lame. But this fight is worse you can die, and I for one don't even know were you're going to go if that happens. And you maybe wondering. Keke can bring me back, no no she can't. If you die you're staying dead. Like me. I miss you Myya. My girl, Rachel. She's pregnant, having a kid. Can you do me a favor and watch over them. I know you don't like kids but you're like my sister, and I want you to just be there guardian angel. Man I wish I could be there, whose going to hook you up on missions? Aye but don't worry. Look in the bag after this is over. I'll miss you sweetheart". During the whole video he was setting up his death, and when he got on top of the chair the video cut off. "I told you not to call me that". I said. "Myya"? Peter asked. "Yeah". I said puffy eyed. "You ok"? Peter asked. I sucked up my tears and bit my lip to start pain. "Yep". I said. I looked over at the bag. And opened it. It was full of money and a picture of me in my costume sitting on top of a roof drinking water. I remember when he took that. I smiled a little. It had something written on the back. "All time greatness. My little sister my best friend. We ain't blood we family. So Myya tell me. Are they going to die by the gun, or you'll cut gut them by sword? I'll let you take you're time to finish your drink before you answer sweetheart". It said. I laughed and put the picture in a shoe box marked friend photos. "Peter"? I asked. "Yeah". He said getting up. "Can you hug me"? I asked. He didn't reply he just did it.

After the hugged Peter and I just sat on the bed starring at the money. "How much you think it is"? Peter asked. "Somewhere in the lines of 3 to 4 million". I said. Peter eyes widen. "What are you going to do with it"? Peter asked. "I don't know. Let's ask the Avengers". I said grabbing the bag I went to the live room. "Ok, let's say I have this friend". I started off. They all looked at me. "Ok". Steve said. "So this friend recently came into big money. What do does he or she do with it"? I asked. "How much money"? Tony asks. "3 to 4 million dollars". Peter said. "Ok, since I'm not doing this. Why don't you just save the money". Nat asked. "For what tho? I'm not planning on doing anything". I said. "You don't plan at all". Tony said. "Where'd you get money from"? Bruce asked. "Blue left it to me. I'm obviously going to give some of it to his baby momma". I said. "Ok, that's good". Steve said. "What about college. You'll need money". Bruce said. "I'm still not sure I wanna go to college". I said. "She's going. When's graduation anyway"? Bucky asked. "Um... Next week". Peter said. I unzipped the bag took out like 40,000 dollars and gave it to Tony. "But this in my savings account". I said. "I'm giving this to Rachel". I said. I got a rubber band and rolled up the money. "Ok, I'll tell someone to put this in you're saving account". Tony said. "Well... Bye"! I said. "Wait, would you like to watch a movie"? Wanda asked. "Not really, I should-". I was cut off by Peter. "Come on babe, let you're family support you". He said. "Ight". I said I used my magic and teleported the money and a note to Rachel. "Actually I have a better option". Tony said. "That is"? Bruce asked. "Let's play the truth game". Tony said. "What's with your obsession over knowing are secrets, Stark"? Nat asked. "Tony shrugged. If you pass up a truth you have to clean the bathrooms through the whole tower". Tony said smirking. "I'm game". I said sitting down, Peter sat down beside me. "Ok, Myya if you had one think to do if you went back into World War II what would you do"? Bruce asked. "Probably kiss Hitler". I said. "You mean kill right"? Steve asked. "Sure...". I said. "It's a vine, what would you do for real"? Peter asked. "Stop Bucky from falling off that train". I said. Bucky smiled at me. "Ok, Steve I been wondering who'd you fondue with"? Tony asked. Steve went red. "Sharon". Steve said. "Wow". Tony said. "Ok, Nat if you had to choose would you be with Bruce"? I asked. "Sure". Nat said. "Ok Peter, if you had to choose would you give up your identity to marry Myya"? Tony asked. "I don't like this question". I said.

"Why don't you like the question"? Peter asked. "You know how I am". I said. "Yes I will". Peter said. "No, no he won't". I said. Everyone looked at me. "Why wouldn't he"? Wanda asked. "Cause I refuse to let him". I said. "Marry you"?   Steve asked. "No, no. I couldn't care about the marrying shit. He can't give up his identity, because if he does that". I started. "People will connect you two together. And if Peter doesn't say who you are. He'll be arrested, and you'll be dead". Bruce said. "Wait so the only reason you're doubting me, is because of your identity"? Peter asked. "Yeah, and I still don't really know anything. Like I said I barely know how to take care of myself". I said. "This is getting good". Loki said. "Excuse me babe, but that's bull. Whatever happened to I was raised on the streets, I can take care of myself"? Peter asked. "I don't once remember saying that". I lied. everyone started coughing. "Ok, so maybe I said it once or twice. But Peter be real man, we are literally kids, well more like you're a kid and I'm a wolf. And I'm pretty sure that's illegal"? I looked at Bruce. "Beastism". Bruce said. "What is that"? Thor asked. "It's when a person has sexual attraction to an animal". Bruce said. "Ew". Clint said. "See, disgusting ". I said. "What is your problem!? Why do everytime I get you to open up, for a second not really a second you close down on me!? You've been doing this sense you were 14, you're 17 Myya act like it. Let me help you, let me show you how much you mean to me"! Peter yelled turning a light shade of red. "Ok, first of all. Angel, I know how much you love me. You say it everyday. And it makes me mad". I said. "Are they fighting I'm confused". Vision said. "How does it make you mad"? Peter asked. "Cause I don't know man". I sighed. "You to done"? Pietro asked. "Yeah, whatever". I said. "Good, cause I missed this side of you". Tony said.

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