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Myya's POV

I started patrolling again and I saw nothing really. I felt something pull me down out of the sky, it was Peter. "What the fuck"? I asked. "We can leave nothing happening". Peter said. "Yeah, my night been boring". I said. "I saw you stop that girl from committing suicide". Peter said. "I didn't stop her, I matter of a fact I didn't care". I said. "I'm proud of you". Peter said. "I didn't stop her, stop complementing me. I offered to take her to a higher building"! I argued. "Wait until I tell the Avengers about you good deed". Peter said, taking off swinging to the tower. "Spidey! Nigga"! I called after him. I flew after him. "Why the fuck are you so fast"!? I yelled at him. Wait I can teleport, I teleported to the tower. "I killed 4 people today! Blew up a nursery! And nailed a dead virgin to 10 trees"! I said. Everyone looked at me in horror. "What the fuck"? Sam said. Peter came in. "How did you bet me here"? Peter asked. "I can teleport jackass"! I said. "Myya had-". I tackled Peter to the ground. "I killed a pregnant woman"! I said. "No she's lying". Peter said. I took Peter's mask off and kissed. He turned red Steve pulled me off of Peter. "What did she do"? Tony asked. Peter was still red from me kissing him in front of everyone. I winked at him he was a blushing mess. I started laughing at him. "She stopped someone from suicide". Peter said after a while. "Lady Myya that is a very good deed"! Thor said.

"I didn't stop her from doing anything"! I said. "I saw the whole thing and recorded it"! Peter said. "I hate you"! I said. "You love me"! Peter said. "I don't understand the problem". Bucky said. "Peter's making such a big deal about someone not dying. People die everyday". I said. Our friends walked in. "Guys we're going to the club"! Keke said to us. I snapped my fingers and Peter and I were in normal clothes. "I don't think I want to go back out man I'm fucked up, but not in any of the good ways". I said to them. "Come on Myya! I heard Tom Holland going to be there"! Jacob said. "Bitch what"!? I said. I grabbed my keys. "Let's go bitches"! I said. They all went out to my car and Keke's we all separated into cars and I drove to the club. Keke right behind me, thru club was for kids. But they'll sell only certain people liquor. We walked in I looked for Tom Holland. "Myya you know I lied right"? Jacob said. I punched Jacob. "Ow! Deserved"! He said. I walked over to the bar. "Lamion, Scotch". I yelled to him. "Hi Myya". He said. He gave me what I asked for. As I was drinking my i Scotch I saw Donnie and April. "Hey Donnie". I said hugging him. "Hey Myya". He said.

"Yo D"! Raph said coming over. "Have you seen Mikey I haven't seen him in a while". Raph said. "Booyakasha"! I heard Mikey say coming over to us. "Whose the girl Leo's kissing"? Mikey asked. We all turned to look. "What". Donnie started. "The". Raph said. "Fuck". I finished. "That's Liz. My damn it"! I said. "Wait the girl who threw that party we all were just at"? Donnie asked. "Yeah, man. I'mma knock the fuck out of her"! I yelled. "Why dudette, what's wrong"? Mikey asked. "Thanks piece of shit. Has been throwing shade at me and just flirting with Peter, skin smacking with my brother". I said. I walked over to them but I got pulled back by Mark. "No! Bad Myya". He said. "But she's-". Peter cut me off. "It's ok babe". Peter said. "That's it I'm done"! I said. "Good". Keke said. "Hey Myya"! Liz said. "Oh my fucking god"! (Y/n) said. "Can we assume she's a demon"? Mark said showing his demon blade. Leo and Liz walked over to us. "Why does she keep coming over here"? Ned asked. "I don't know". Michelle said. "I'm glad to see you guys again". Liz said. "Myya, Liz said that you girls are going to have a sleep over". Leo asked. "What fuck"? Keke asked. "What the hell"? (Y/n) asked.

"The heck"? Michelle asked. "The fudge"? Senasia asked. "What the shit"? I asked. "I don't think so". Keke said. "Yeah, remember we were all talking about it". Liz said. "No, Leo. We don't, this girl don't straight up told a bold face ass lie. Cause I know I ain't plan no sleep over. Cause I got some shit to do out c'here". I said. "Don't be crazy Myya, we were all there. You were talking about pizza". Liz said. "Liz why are you lying"? Peter asked. "I'm not. Myya was asking me about how to make herself look better". Liz said. "That's it I'm done, Keke hold my phone. And my knife". I gave it to her. "I'mma bout to beat yo ass". I said. Peter stepped out of my way and I jumped on Liz. I punched Liz in the face over and over again. Leo pulled me off of her. Mikey, Donnie, and Raph came over. "Leo your gonna let this this girl hit me"? Liz said. "Yeah. You've been disrespecting her and lying. Cause Myya wouldn't want to have a sleep over with you and she wouldn't ask you for anything". Leo said. "I hate you Myya. You're always getting in my way". Liz said. "I told you fuckers about this girl. Did anyone believe me"? I ask. "You bitch"! She yelled. I jumped on her again.

Peter's POV

I watched as Myya hit Liz, she wasn't using her full ability but Liz was a bleeding, crying, bruised mess. It took her brother and Keke to get her off of Liz. Liz fell unconscious. "Oh my fuck. That felt good"! Myya said. The police came. "Bailey of course"! One said. Myya groaned and got on her knees putting her hands up. "Yo I'mma be back"! She yelled as they took her away. "Someone read her, her rights". One cop said. "Is she going to be ok"? Mikey asked worried. "Yeah, she's been to jail so many times". Keke said. "I better call Mr. Stark". I said. "Yo Penis Parker". I heard Flash yell. "Parker, I see your girl went jail". Flash said. "Leave me alone Flash". I said. "What you going to do Penis Parker". Flash. "Yo buddy how about you leave". Jacob said. "Oh, another juvenile baby". Flash said. "Listen here you steroids infested douche bag,  you better but some respect on my boy Peter here, cause he's my best friends boy friend. And you wouldn't know shit about juvy. Jacob said. "I'm so scared of you". Flash said pushing Jacob. "Yo keep those hands to yourself"! Mark said. "Oh, look the loser is stepping up". Flash said. "Flash leave them alone"! I said. "Do something Parker"! Flash said. "Flash I'm not gonna to go down to your level". I said. Raph jumped in. "Move"!  He yelled. Flash flinched. "I'm not afraid of you either". Flash said. "Well let's just say I'mma be my sister in a minute and you're going to be worse the Liz". Raph threatened. Flash backed off and ran. "Thanks Raph". I said. "No prob. Now go get my sister out of jail". Raph said. I nodded. "Keke give me Myya car keys". I said. "Don't scratch her bea! Cause I'm not gonna die because of your bad driving"! Keke yelled to me and I nodded leaving. I drove to Avengers tower. "Mr. Stark Myya's in jail"! I yelled. "Again". He yelled.

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